Chapter 26: Kill The Vytal Tournament Round 3

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I awake to, a catfight... between two Cat Faunus... two hot Cat Faunus. I can die peacefully now.

"Gonna have to hold up on that for now," Wait... 'Cursio? How are you- "Look to your left."

"Oh, hey Little Red," I greet Ruby who's holding A sheathed Incursio at my side.

"Y/N!" fuck, she alerted the horde.




They were all Y/N after that one.

"Okay, we get it, I'm awake. Don't need another... onetwothreefourfive- twelve of you, bloody hell... Do none of you have anything better to do than wait for me to wake up from my monthly coma?" I ask the rather large group. "No? Alright then, let's get things out of the way. I'm not actually Y/N L/N, but Markothy Oath. I died in a past life and was reincarnated into this body and the soul that previously inhabited it lies within my sword's sheath. Also, I talk to a God every once in a while." holy fucking hell saying all that out loud makes it sound like I've been on some serious shrooms.

"You don't say," shut it, Tatsumi.

"Honey, have you been eating the magic mushrooms from the forest again?" ha, called it.

"You know what, sure, let's just leave it at a bad trip," I say as I stand. "Now, who's fighting in the finals round, oh great leader o' mine?"

"Me, of course. You're in no shape to fight after that shit you pulled with Niya. Seriously what was that?"

"Well, what had happened was," cue flashback.

Later. Narrator.

"So all that stuff back there was true, right? About the whole reincarnation thing?" Lubbock asks Y/N.

"Do you want the truth or your best friend?" Y/N asks.

"Both, but that's unrealistic. So I think I'll take my best friend, at least, until you need to tell me," Lubbock smiled at Y/N.

"Good choice, Lubbo," Y/N smiled back.

The duo then arrived in the stands to watch Seryu fight.

"Hey, babe," Mine greets Y/N before giving him a quick peck on the lips before giving a curt nod to Lubbock. "Lubbock."

"Mine," Lubbock reciprocates the action.

"I forget that those two barely interact," Oath says.

"Here we have Seryu Ubiquitous of Beacon Academy up against Kurome of Atlas Academy!" Doctor Oobleck announces the fighters.

"Interesting match-up we have here. The versatile cyborg versus the calm and collected assassin who marches with the dead!" Professor Port says excitedly.

"Huh, she looks a little familiar," Y/N says to himself.

"Well yeah, That's Akame's little sister," Lubbock reveals.

"If... then..." Y/N searches his feelings, knowing it to be true.


Y/N is looking over at Seryu and a girl that looked a lot like Kurome on the Bullhead to Beacon.

Flashback end.

"Oh! That's where I've seen her before, on the bullhead over here. She must've failed initiation or something," Y/N realized.

"Huh, can't believe I didn't notice her then," Lubbock says.

The fight began and almost immediately gunshots were heard from Seryu, having transformed her arm into a minigun with the number 11 on it.

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