Chapter 10: Kill The Old Friends

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Lubbo, Wave, and I arrive to see Roman Torchwick about to shoot Blake and a blonde monkey Faunus with his cane weapon.

I mean, there were also White Fang moving crates of Dust, but they're fodder.

Lubbo uses Cross Tail to grab Roman's cane and flings it into the air, the ginger pimp looks up to see two armored individuals and Lubbo looking down at him.

"Oh shit, it's Bulat," Roman knows Bulat of Night Raid very well, although he's dead, the way Bulat and I used Incursio was similar, people thought he just got a different looking, but similar, armor and stopped using Neuntote.

I, of course, just went with it because it would put fear into my targets... that is if I had any after the boat mission.

"Wait, who are the other two?" Roman asked us.

"Y/N..." Blake whispered my name.

"Lubbo, rescue. Wave, back me up," the three of us descended onto the scene.

When we landed, Lubbo sprinted at Blake and the monkey, grabbing them by their wrists and sprinting away as Wave and I go for Torchwick.

He catches his cane and shoots at us, the explosive exploding where we just stood.

Wave jumped in preparation for his special move. "Grand Fall!"

He whiffs and I rush in to cover up his mistake, punching at Roman and being blocked by his cane, though still knocking him back.

Wave rushes past me and kicks Torchwick into the air.

"Ugh," this dude.

I leap ahead of where Torchwick would peak and get ready to deliver a double overhead sledgehammer.

Wait, what's that?

I'm hit by something small that knocks me out of the air and catches Torchwick.

"Who was that?" Wave asked after catching me.

"Dunno, but they were fast," that kinda hurt too.

The person that caught Roman is a young girl with long black hair and black eyes hidden behind a white Fang mask.

How do I know their eye color? Because I know that little cunt.

Sayo. And if she's here, that means...

A swordsman of similar build to me with short, unruly dark brown hair and brown eyes, with a white headband covering his forehead above the White Fang mask.


"Shit," I curse under my breath. "Wave, you take the girl, I got the guy."

Wave nods and dashes at Sayo, catching an arrow just above his knee.

"AAARGH!!" Wave yelled in pain. "How did that get through my armor!?"

"Huh, so she can still do that, neat," Ieyasu rushes at me, bringing his sword down onto me I deflect and counter with a punch that sends him flying.


Roman fired at me and I'm sent flying back by the blast.

"Shit!" What the hell does he fire from that cane!?

"Y/N!" Ruby yells my name.

"And there goes the end of that mystery," I groan as I look at Sayo and Ieyasu. "So you guys still broke or what!?"

They both visibly get angry.

"Tatsumi!?" collective surprise is collective.

"When have I ever gone by that name!? It's either Mark or Y/N!" The only people who can call me Tatsumi are my mother and close friends.

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