Chapter 2: Kill The Initiation

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When the Bullhead landed the Blonde guy who was vomiting earlier rushes ahead of everyone and starts hurling into a garbage can.

"I almost feel bad for him," Lubbo says as we walk off the Bullhead calmly. "So where are we headed?"

"We have to go to the Auditorium, The headmaster's giving a speech," I recall as we walk toward a directory.

An explosion goes off and we immediately rush towards it, seeing a girl with black and red hair sitting in a crater with Weiss Schnee yelling at her.

"Oh, it's just some kid getting yelled at," I sheath Incursio, which I had unsheathed, and start walking back towards the Auditorium.

"They were both kinda cute," Lubbo sighs as we walk.

I let out a heavy sigh at his comment.

When we got to the Auditorium, we found two seats that Lubbo liked. They were, of course, near a pair of girls.

After a bit of waiting, Professor Ozpin stepped up to a podium and began speaking.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step," Wow, so inspiring. Really felt it in my bones. Definitely didn't get the feeling that Ozpin's done this speech a hundred times to a hundred different groups of students.

Glynda Goodwitch steps up to the podium after Ozpin stepped down, telling us where we would be sleeping tonight. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Later, Lubbo and I, after finding the ballroom, are trying to find a place to put our sleeping bags, I in knight-themed pajamas and he in book-themed ones.

"So... how do think we're gonna do tomorrow?" Lubbo asks as we set up near a wall.

"Grimm are usually nothing more than slight annoyances if you have an aura, so we should be fine. Unless we encounter a Danger Grimm, then we'd be fucked," I answer as I rummage through my bag for a pillow mom put in it before I left.

It's a shield surprisingly like Incursio. I can only imagine she had it custom-made. I actually find it kind of cute.

"There's no way any of the faculty would allow a Danger Grimm to roam around," Lubbo says with a laugh.

Normally I would agree with him, but I've got a bad feeling about tomorrow.

"Maybe. Anyway, good night," I crawl into my sleeping bag, lay my perfect hair on my pillow, and welcome the darkness.

Later but not being narrated by Y/N.

Y/N wakes up and drags himself out of his sleeping bag, smiling at the shield pillow.

Looking around sleepily he notices the Atlas Nut sleeping alone and that kid he saw on the bullhead yesterday sleeping with someone that looked like them.

"Huh, I really am at Beacon," Y/N mutters before dragging himself into the men's restroom and looking at himself in the mirror.

His hair was disheveled, as expected, his green eyes were duller than usual, and when he bared his teeth they were still the same perfect white they've always been.

"Disgusting," He spat out before turning on one of the taps, catching water in his cupped hands and splashing it on his face before drying it.

Y/N left the bathroom, looking over to where Lubbock was just now waking up and waiting till he looked around to wave at him.

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