Chapter 20: Kill The Field Trip

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"Okay, guys, I know you can't hear each other, but get along because we're shadowing Goodwitch," I announce to Tatsumi and Incursio.

"We're WHAT!?" Tatsumi's excited. "Also you know we can hear your narration, right?"

Yeah I know, also we gotta start calling you something else. It's getting confusing.

"The hell are you talking about?" Incursio asks.

Tatsumi the Program and Tatsumi the Danger Grimm.

"Oh, just call him Oath," Incursio looked at me as if I was one of those r-words.

Also, great idea. Hey, Tatsumi, you're Oath now.

"Why?" like you have to ask. "Oh, you're adopted son." yep.


Oath projects himself in front of Y/N wearing what he did when he died, blood stains and all. "This better? " Oath smirks at Y/N.

"Actually, yeah, I kinda like the mix of both of us," Y/N responds. "The blood's also a nice touch."

"Oh, there he is," Y/N heard Seryu say before turning around and waving. "Jeez, he can hear from that far away!?"

"Especially when you yell!" Y/N yells, hoping Mine hears him.

"What!?" Seryu asks.

"He said, 'especially when you yell,'" Mine tells Seryu.

"Thanks, Pinky!" Y/N thanks Mine.

"Hey! You can't just call me that!" Mine yells, inciting a laugh from Y/N. "It's not funny you man-whore!"

"Hey, he's not a man-whore, he's just a regular whore," Lubbock said with a laugh.

"Call him a rich bitch," Y/N ordered.

"Mar says you're a rich bitch," Mine says.

"Ha! That's hilarious. You can't tell me yourself so you have one of your future wives do it for you? That's low," Lubbock said before he received a smack to the back of his head. "Ow!"

Later. On the Bullhead. Over Atlas.

"So, as you know we will be heading to Atlas to protect a small village just outside of Mantle from recent Grimm attacks," Glynda says. "But what you haven't been told is that they're being attacked by a new type of Danger Grimm."

Yeah, I know Stylish's monsters don't come out till after he dies, but this version is less attentive. Bigger empire, more hideouts, and less time to visit all of them.

"Question, Miss Titties," Y/N raises his hand.

"Yes, Mister Can't Shut The Hell Up?" Glynda shot back, getting a slight reaction of amusement.

"How much strength should I use against these new DGs?" Y/N asks.

"The same amount you'd use against any other Special Class," Glynda informs. "Also, be weary, these new creatures are known to be aggressive and have eaten several dozens of people."

"I have a question," Seryu says. "Will we be working with Atlas' Jaegers?"

"Before you answer that, can I still back out?" Y/N asks.

"Unless you have a pair of wings hidden under that coat, you're stuck here," Glynda says.

"Hey, Cursio?" Y/N asks aloud.

"Seventy-Five percent," Incursio says with a sigh.

"THREE-FOURTHS!?!?" Y/N yells, surprised. "Will I even keep my human look!?"

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