Chapter 23: Kill The Training.

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"Hm... I see... I see," I hum in thought as Mine finishes recalling what happened after I got lost in my thoughts. "Thanks for taking care of my body. Remind me to kiss you later, babe."

"Wha- hey! You can't just call me that out of nowhere!" Mine pouts cutely.

"Yeah... I can. I'm your boyfriend, remember?" I lean down slightly. "I'll call you every nickname in the book, honey."

"Two can play at that game, handsome," I've been called hotter things by Lubbo's sisters.

"Yeah, yeah, keep trying, Pinky," I taunt.


"Yo," This grey-haired- "goon?"

"Don't cut me off," I lightly glare at Ted. "Why is a demigod standing in front of me?"

"Technically, I'm a full-fledged God being mentored by Not," Semantics. "Yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna teach you how to enhance your body without the overload."

"Says who?" there it is, that glare he showed me when we first met.

"Says me," he glares down at me with those grey eyes. "Now, get in the portal."

A swirling grey portal appears next to Ted.

"What if I want to die, huh? Ever take what I want into account?" His eyes turned black for a split second before he sighed.

"How the hell are you the most popular one?" he almost seemed to be asking himself. "You'll get to see your parents again."

"Why didn't you lead with that?" I asked, halfway through the portal.

Later. Narrator.

Y/N is watching his parents from a few dozen meters away, his eyes acting up.

"Huh, Not allowed just enough for you to do that. He's way better at that than me," Ted commented. "Anyway, ya happy? Are they as amazing as you remember when you were what? 14?"

"No... they look burdened," Y/N clenched his fist tightly. "How far after my death is this?"

"Day and a half," Ted started chewing a piece of gum.

"Then she's still alive..." Y/N looked to the sky, his green eyes turning angry.

"For about another 36 hours," Ted reminded.

"How much damage can you heal?" Y/N asks, a weird determination boiling inside him.

"All but psychological," Ted grinned. "Why?"

"You know why," Y/N's eyes begin flickering.

'He's kinda like the little ghost,' Ted thinks. 'Maybe I'll give him a little boost, knowing what's to come and all that.'

Ted glanced at Y/N's core, where the highest concentration of Inergy is in all people with the ability to manipulate it, and like most Ocular types, it was his head. But there was something odd about it. It had a slightly green tint to it like it was being affected by his Aura and not entirely the other way around.


"Seven hundred fifty-five..." squelching sounds. "Seven hundred forty-eight..." sounds of crushing. "Seven hundred forty-one..."  sounds of bones breaking.

'Huh, all this over a stab in the heart?' Ted thinks to himself. 'Theo didn't do even half of this to her when he broke me out.'

Ted is currently watching Y/N torture The girl who killed him.

'Now that I look at her... short pink hair... green eyes... she kinda looks like that peanut girl Ren was ranting about the other day,' Ted took a good look at the girl.

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