Chapter 14: Kill The Little Red Training

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"Oh, Ruby, hi." I greet little red with a smile.

"Hey Y/N. Where have you been all day?" Ruby asks, curious to know.

"Oh, ya know, training with Wave for the Vytal Festival," I say nonchalantly.

"Really? Maybe you can help me get stronger too," Ruby looks at me hopefully.

"Yeah, definitely, anytime we're both free," I agree before we stand around for an odd amount of time. "See you around, Ruby."

"Yeah, see you," I hear Ruby say as I walk away.

The present.

In some mostly empty gym on Beacon's campus.

I narrowly dodge Ruby's scythe by back bending and kicking her in the chin while performing a back handspring.

"You're pretty fast, Little Red," I comment as she rubs her chin.

"Ow~! Even with aura, you're hits hurt," Ruby whines.

"Hm... I see. So you want me to go easy on you, right?" I ask.

"It would make this feel a lot less one-sided," Ruby says.

"You're right, so for the next round, I won't move my feet from this spot. If you manage to move me, you win," I could practically see the sparkles in her silver eyes.

"Really!?" Ruby tackled me to the ground.

Oh? Little Red taking initiative? Wait, no... or maybe? I mean we are only a year apart. Eh, I'll ask Not the next time he shows up in my dreams.

I switch places with Ruby and look down at her with a smirk. "You ready?"

Ruby turned red before pushing me off.

"Y/N! You can't just do that! People will get the wrong idea!" Ruby yells at me... after doing the same thing to me barely a moment before.

"Hoh? So it's only weird when I do it?" I ask with a smirk. "The double standards. Tut tut tut, I expect better out of you, Little Red."

I get up and look down on Little Red disapprovingly.

"Ah! Don't look at me like that!" Ruby shields her face from my gaze.

"Pfft!" I begin laughing. "Hahahaha! Lemme help you up, Little Red," I hold out my hand to Ruby and she takes it. "Now, you go around five meters away from me and then come at me whenever you're ready, okay?"

"Okay! I'll win this time!" Ruby says with determination.

"Come at me!" I yell before bracing myself.


Ruby uses her semblance to tackle Y/N, who dodges it with a back bridge.

Ruby tries again, going for Y/N's torso so he quickly pushed his body back into an upright position, Ruby flying under his legs.

'Oh, shit, I just remember what happened when that food fight happened at the start of the semester,' Y/N thinks before being flung into the air where he corrects himself and lands on the wall, using Inergy focused on the soles of his shoes to stick to the wall. "I forgot you could do that. I barely saw you!"

"But does that mean I win?" Ruby asks.

"Yes, Ruby, you won," Y/N admits as he walks down the wall. "Now, I know we're both tired, so wanna head into Vale for lunch? My treat, of course."

Ruby mumbled something that Y/N couldn't hear, but he ignored it and the two went out for lunch.

"So how'd you get Blake to agree to slow down?" Ruby asks Y/N before eating a strawberry.

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