Chapter 31: Everything's Metal.

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"Thissssss issssss not a good idea." An-ru hissed.

"What do you mean?" Sean asked. 

"I am talking about Amit. He sssssssaysssssss that he sssspeakssss Gobbledegook. But he never sssssspoke to an actual Goblin." An-ru clarrified. 

Sean didn't see it that way. "Are you worried he'll say the wrong thing?" He asked.

"Yessss. And then what happpensssss?" An-ru asked. 

"We don't have many other options, An-ru." Sean pointed out. "We need a person that speaks Gobbledegook. And Amit can understand the language and translate it. Okay... so his pronunciations might be... off key to put it mildly. But Lodgok can speak English. It may be a risk. But one I'm willing to take." 

An-ru made an "Eh..." sound of disgust. "Very well. I will defer to your judgement." He finally stood down. 

"Because of the oath you swore?" Sean asked.

An-ru nodded. 

"Well, then... let me go on the record and say that your opinion has been noted." Sean commented. 

They both walked out of the closet. And Sean had a simple grin on him. "Well... let's proceed ahead then." He declared.

"Of course." Amit said. "Cannot wait to confirm subtle bits of pronunciation and tone that may have eluded me- being self taught, and all." 

"Thisssssss issssss a bad idea." An-ru thought as they departed to the mine. 

Sean had followed the Field Guide on where to go. The Mine itself was to the East of Hogwarts Express Tracks. And over the now snow covered woods that were now white. And he landed right in front of the Mine Tracks. Similar to the one that he, An-ru, and Sebastian had encountered before. 

There was a campsite but no guards were near. "Where are all the Guards?" Sean asked curiously.

"Perhaps it is an abandoned mine." Amit suggested. 

"Keep your guard up." An-ru advised taking out his wand. 

Sean looked at a sign. "The Mine's Eye." He read. And he looked up to reveal a metal circular doorway with an eye on top staring right at him. 

"Points on for the name." Amit commented. 

Sean had touched the door. But the eye had just glared and made what sounded like a stomping sound. 

"Access denied it seems." Sean thought. 

"I'm afraid you won't have much trouble going in that direction, Celt." Lodgok had called from behind him, on a metal ledge overlooking the Valley. 

Lodgok had looked the same as Sean had seen him last. 

"There you are, Lodgok." Sean noticed. 

"How good to see you again, my friend." Lodgok greeted. "And you found a..." He noticed An-ru. "A Lizardfolk?" 

"This is An-ru. Poppy and I saved him from some Poachers in Horntail Hall." Sean explained. 

"Hello." An-ru greeted. 

"I never thought I would see your kind." Lodgok said. 

"The feeling isssss mutual." An-ru replied. 

"Why are we here, Lodgok?" Sean asked. "You didn't say anything as to the reason why we would meet outside of a mine." 

"Of course-" Lodgok started to say. 

"Hold up there!" A voice called.

Sean, Lodgok, An-ru, and Amit looked in the distance. Sean looked closer to see Sarah riding on one of the brooms.

Sean Cormag and the Legacy of Hogwarts.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora