Chapter 60- Confessions

Start from the beginning

I try to be open with my response. It's something I've been trying to do more between the two of us, at least with things I'm certain of. I don't want to speak about things that still need to be processed, but I've been trying to be fair with everything else. This leads me to speaking aloud as well something I don't want to be simply assumed on either of our fronts.

"I like you Kalston. I always kind of did, but that's why I needed to be careful."

Something flickers in his eyes for a second. The warmth they've had more often, but it doesn't stay. The grin that came with it does though.



We sit there in silence the rest of our time on the swing letting everything settle in until we decide to head in.

Once inside, I begin to realize how hungry I am and head to the fridge. Grabbing out some Chinese food from the night before. Picking out a piece of sesame chicken to munch on before grabbing out the other containers.

"Hey, do you want anything to eat?"

I turn to Kalston who's currently locking the sliding door.

"Yeah, sure."

He heads over to me before stopping.

"What are you doing?"

Confused, I finish the second piece of cold chicken in my mouth before responding.

"Uh, getting food out. I thought it was kind of obvious."

About to head for a third piece, he stops me.

"Madison, you heathen! Why the heck are you eating it cold, and who eats Chinese food for breakfast?"

I try hard to keep a smirk off my face as it's clear his seriousness isn't meant to be taken as so.

"Uh, the Chinese?"

He narrows his eyes at me as he is now the one trying not to smile.

"Okay, Ms. Smartalick. Just put it back and I'll make us something."

He grabs out eggs and other ingredients as I put back the leftovers. Once done with my end, I sit myself at the island and watch him.

"Do you need any help?"

"No, it's good, Love."

Bailey soon joining us in the kitchen, I stay silent and observe. One of my favorite habits.

She heads for the fridge to do exactly as I did. I keep quiet and grin as I wonder how this will turn out. Kalston might be able to deter me easily at times, only because I let him, let's make that clear, but Bailey, I don't think she will persuade so easily. Her stubborn layer is a bit higher set than mine. Though I might give in to situations that don't have many consequences to them to keep the peace, Bailey will straight up play hardball if only to prove you can't boss her around. It's one of her charms.

"Good morning, Bailey. I have..."

Kalston turning as he speaks to her, he stops before finishing. Bailey has an eggroll in her mouth and looks at him as confused as I was a moment ago. Silence, that's all there is for what feels like a minute, but probably realistically is only ten seconds or so. Bailey's the one to speak first, giving Kalston an annoyed look as she does.


"Heathens, I live next door to heathens!"

Kalston throughs his hands in the air to add dramatic flair to his defeat.

Bailey isn't taking his joke as that as she straightens before popping off with what I call her level-one attitude. She has about five. I've never gotten five from her, but have seen it and don't recommend being in its range. Level one is more so, 'You better check yourself before I do it for you.'

"Uh, Excuse me?!"

"You and Madison both are over here eating cold food and all. Why not at least heat it up first?"

Now, level two. 'Who are you to tell me what to do?' With eyes narrowed and her tone firm.

"Why does it matter to you? If I like it cold, then I'll eat it cold. Mind your own space and I'll mind mine. Seriously, this is my house, my fridge, my food, what I decide to do is none of your business."

Kalston taking a breath, he realizes where he misstepped. I know he wasn't meaning ill intent and wasn't meaning his words to be taken seriously, Bailey even if knowing, doesn't have the level of care this early in the morning after such a late night. Bailey's a morning person, but only when having the rest she needs. Her filter takes longer to adjust with little sleep.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I wasn't trying to overstep. Now if you accept my apology, I would like to offer you an alternative. I had already planned to make you an omelet if you're up for it, is that okay?"

Bailey's demeanor stiff for only a second longer, she relaxes soon after.

"Now that's better. Yes, I would love one. Green onions, ham, cheese, and potatoes if you don't mind. Have you guys had coffee yet this morning?"

Looking back and forth between Kalston and me, she waits for one of us to respond. He does before me as I'm still in observer mode and it takes a moment to turn it off.

"Yeah we did, but I was about to make another pot for us all."

"It's good, you're cooking, I'll get it. Maddy's fine though if she's already had some. Hey, did you take your medicine this morning yet?"

She turns to me for a moment to see if I have. I give her a smile before getting down off the bar stool.

"I was about to, but thank you for reminding me."

Heading off to the bathroom, Bailey and Kalston talk amongst themselves.

Once in the bathroom, I close the door behind me. At the mirror, I open it to see the medicine cabinet that lays behind it and grab the bottle of red pills with my name on it. Taking one out before putting it back and shutting the cabinet closed. I stare at myself for a moment before looking down at the pill.

I take a breath before running the sink and dropping the pill in the toilet. I'd drop it down the drain if I wasn't afraid residue would be left behind in the catch somewhere. I know it's a paranoid thought that someone would check behind me, but sometimes my paranoia does me well in protecting myself. I logically know that there's nobody watching me, anyone counting my pills to make sure I've been taking them, or even someone that would take apart the sink just to see if I've been dropping them down it. I can't so easily shut the thoughts off that tell me to be careful, so sometimes it's easier to go along with them when no harm will come from them.

"Hey, Maddy? What do you want in your omelet?"

Bailey's voice comes from the other side of the door.

"Uh, the same as you is fine. I'll be out in a moment, I have to pee."


Not a lie, I'm thankful for my nervous bladder for times like this to where it might be suspicious that I would close the door for something that wouldn't normally require it. Bailey's used to my frequent restroom use at times. It's not long before I'm back with the other two and we enjoy more time spent together. The day quickly shifting into the next.

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