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To the point, here we go.

No pokémon league only champions challenge. I'll explain that at the end. I kinda prepared this way back, but I was so contemplated on the giving the character a name change that I was conflicted on whether to publish this version.

Lots of changes. Many changes, but the story that I wanted to tell and the climax I was leading up to stays the same, so in this remake there won't be much change.

Important change, no Y/n, hardest decision ever, but I decided that it's the story that matters, and some other stuff I went through. I can feel the people leaving already.

New name? Oh yeah, I chose Blight, I don't know, random as hell, but I just thought it sounded like a name some anime would give it's main character. I was reading the pokémon manga and this name came in my head, it was probably also influenced by that new series.

What else? Oh right! While I'm here I might as well explain the new system, it's called the champions challenge.

The story is more modernized so I'm sorry to those people who will be upset with none Kanto pokémon being added into the Kanto series. But I will promise that more Kanto pokémon will be encountered than other pokémon.

Also to probably get somebodies hopes up, Blight the main character, will end up catching a legendary pokémon, that's a promise I'm making to you guys, and I'm not saying it will happen in some other series, no it will happen in this series and since I'm planning 30 chapters, there's no way you're gonna have to wait long.

I FORGOT! POST CHAPTERS AND PRE CHAPTERS.  I'll basically have like small mini chapters in certain chapters that completely derail from the focus of the chapter. These chapters are just there to show small fun adventures, and to make the journey longer, 30 chapters afterall.

Every season is 8 to 7 chapters, why? Because it's fun like that.

Okay so what the fuck is the champions challenge?!

The Champions Challenge is an annual event that crowns a new Monarch each year by defeating the previous year's Monarch. While the Pokémon League still exists, the Champions Challenge has gained more popularity due to its novelty and the freedom it offers to trainers.

The Champions Challenge uses a points system to qualify participants. To officially qualify, trainers need 1200 points, although 850 points will also be considered. However, trainers who do not reach the full amount of points may have their spots taken away during the qualifying rounds.

Defeating a champion awards 200 points, so a trainer will need to defeat approximately six champions to qualify. Additionally, trainers can engage in battles against each other under the name of the Champions Challenge, earning around ten points for a win. Both trainers must agree for the battle to be considered an official Champions Challenge battle.

Losing to a champion deducts 20 points, losing twice deducts another 20 points, and losing thrice deducts 400 points.

Unlike Gym Leaders, the Champions Challenge does not feature Gym leaders, but rather an elite group of trainers known as Champions.

There are a total of 13 Champions in the Kanto region, and this number cannot exceed 13 due to strict rules. Each Champion specializes in a specific type. Unlike Gym Leaders, Champions have the freedom to roam the region as they please.

The rules followed by Champions regarding their Pokémon are as follows:

- The team must consist of a main Pokémon.
- The main Pokémon must strictly be of the specialized type.
- The champion's Pokémon must either be dual-typed with the specialized type or possess at least one move belonging to the specialized type.

Regarding Champion battling rules:

- Since Champions have the freedom to roam the region, they have a GPS system installed in their Rotomphones. This system notifies Champion Challengers if the Champion is nearby, allowing them to locate them or schedule a match.
- Champions are entitled to days off, during which they can turn off their GPS to indicate that they are not accepting challenges at that time.
- Champion Challenges can be scheduled, unless the challenger personally encounters the Champion (applies only to Kanto).

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