Adventure 01 - The Journey Starts Today...

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Hardest decision was deciding whether to keep this as an insert or just a story with a main character that has a name. I ended up choosing the latter, so sure I'll lose readers, that's okay, but I'm just here to make a good story that everyone will enjoy...

Adventure 1 of 33


The crowd erupted in cheers for their favourite battler. The world coronation series was around its end and the two trainers both only had one pokémon remaining. One of the trainers said something to their pokémon that coursed it to release a powerful outburst of power, the other trainer smirked as he commanded his pokémon to charge and fire back.
The two pokémon bolted toward each other ready to butt heads so they could conclude the ongoing battle

Suddenly out of nowhere a strong breeze entered the stadium, Y/n looked up in the sky since he was there for some reason and a red and blue monstrous pokémon appeared, the Pokémon released such an impactful roar that Blight woke up with a shock. The boy almost fell off his bed because of the dream, it felt so really for some unknown reason as if the wind was actually in his room.

Blight sighed and was about to go back to sleep when the breeze returned blowing him off the bed successfully this time. A bird pokémon wearing glasses landed peacefully on his bed and stared down at him. Blight sighed then broke into a smile looking up a poster on his ceiling that had a man showing a thumbs up with the words 'Its Wildin' Time!"

Blight Lo'ah (10) turning (11)

Blight will be recognised as 11, even though his technically 10 until his birthday on May where he will officially be 11

Has black fade like coiled hair that spread out to the side a bit with blue silver eyes his main
outfit is a mid light blue skinny jean that ends about two centimetres away from his black and white All Rocket shoes (All Stars), he wears a red long sleeved hoodie that he always leaves zipped halfway with sleeves he pushed up to his elbow, and under he supports a grey shirt with a Pikachu painted red on the center. He extra accessories with white cap that has a red Poké Ball symbol while also having some red outlines. He is a Light Skinned Male

Blight rushed down the stairs entering the kitchen where his mother was finishing up the prepared food. She turned to him with the brightest smile in the world and handed him his meal.

"So mom did you hear about the new play toys for in house pokémon?" Blight asked before taking a bite from his egg sandwich.

Blights mother shook her head, "No. Where is it selling?"

"Where all the good stuff are being sold nowadays. Celadon Mall."

"Wow. That place has become more and more famous now that I'm thinking about it."

"How was it back in the day?"

"A bit smaller than it is now, it had almost everything like potion sections and other stuff. But it wasn't like so technology based like todays version"

Their pet Meowth started eating the given pokémon food like it was its last meal. Dartrix looked at the mess that Meowth was making and tried to tell the Pokémon to stop, but Meowth continued with its mess. Dartrix feeling a bit disgusted decided to move its bowl away from Meowth.

"I love how cute Dartrix is, with it's perfect perfection thing."

"Huh? oh yeah."

"Yeah. What are you and the professor planning on doing today?"

"He says that he has a surprise for me. I just have to get there early."

"That's great, though I hope the surprise isn't a starter pokémon you already know how I feel about pokémon training and that league stuff."

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