V o l u m e T w o F i n a l e

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A figure sat in an armchair, their face shrouded in darkness, anticipation lingering in the air. However, their voice emanated powerfully, capturing attention with its deep resonance.

"How much closer are you?" The speaker asked, addressing the person connected to their earpiece.

"Not too far now. We can make out a faint silhouette of the mountain from our current position," came the response.

"Very well... Ensure the plan is executed flawlessly," the speaker instructed with authority.

"Of course, boss," the voice on the other end affirmed.

The call terminated, revealing the individual at the receiving end to be a woman clad in O.R.R gear. She occupied an airship brimming with fellow O.R.R members.

"Calling Sentral Area Three," the woman announced, contacting the group stationed in that location.

"Yes, ma'am?" replied one of the Sentral Three O.R.R grunts, upon receiving the call.

"The boss has been informed of your progress, and we are en route," the woman informed them.

"Understood," the grunt acknowledged.

Pokémon Special Chronicles

Volume Two Finale


light sprinted through the dense forest, gracefully leaping over fallen logs and agilely dodging the towering trees. His pace was relentless, though he made a valiant effort to maintain steady breathing. Glancing anxiously behind him, he saw the fearsome Pokémon pursuing him - a relentless Lickitung, gaining ground with each passing moment.

Fumbling frantically in his pocket, Blight desperately sought his Poké Ball. Yet, his arms were forced to remain in constant motion, skillfully maneuvering through the thick foliage. Fatigue and panic threatened to consume him as he grappled with the ultra ball, causing it to slip from his grasp.

In a stroke of luck, he managed to seize Swadloon's Poké Ball, the dormant grass and bug-type ready for action. Without hesitation, Blight released Swadloon, who promptly unleashed a powerful energy ball towards his pursuer.

Seizing the opportunity granted by Swadloon's attack, Blight swiftly recalled his grassy companion and surged forward with renewed speed. Racing towards his only possible escape, he unknowingly sprinted into a dead end. To his astonishment, he discovered that he was not alone - Kellie and Forrest, also being relentlessly pursued by determined Pokémon, were trapped at the same dead end.

"Talk about bad luck," Blight muttered, sinking to one knee to ease the pain in his already injured knee.

Kellie lay sprawled on the ground, desperately trying to regain control of her ragged breathing.

"She's been like that for a while now," Forrest revealed, concern etching his face.

"She'll be alright. Right, now we need to find a way to climb over this mountain before those pokémon get us," Blight said, determination resolute in his voice.

"It's not going to be a walk in the park. This mountain looks like a real challenge," Forrest admitted.

"If we can't climb it, we'll have no choice but to confront those hostile Pokémon head-on," Blight stated, frustration evident in his tone.

"I still can't wrap my head around why Pokémon have become so aggressive, in this side of the region, I wish we had WiFi or something, because I want to check exactly where in Kanto we are exactly." Forrest pondered aloud.

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