Adventure 02 - Grudge (S.S.Anne) Part II

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SS. ANNE: Battle Arena

Blight and Forrest, still in their pajamas, stood apart from one another. Blight refused to use Bulbasaur after its recent match, while Dartrix did not want to be involved. So, Blight relied on Sewaddle, while Forrest relied on a completely new Pokémon, Boldore.

"You wanna talk shit, now talk your shit Forrest," Blight exclaimed.

Before he could finish, Forrest interrupted, "Boldore, use Rock Throw!"

Sewaddle let out a shriek and quickly backed away.

Blight sighed and said, "Sewaddle... I know you're scared, but please don't disappoint me as you always do. Winning this is important, so please..." He paused as Sewaddle slowly nodded. "Alright then, let's show them how we get good, let's pop off, Sewaddle... Now, use String Shot!"

Rocks floated around Boldore and blasted forward, one by one, towards Sewaddle. Sewaddle hesitated for a moment, looking at Blight, but Blight remained confident that Sewaddle would obey.

"I WILL TALK MY SHIT! I worked my ass off for that gym leader spot, I did everything just to lose it to you!" Forrest exclaimed.

"You lost that place to yourself! You acted like a jerk the entire time I was there, and karma is a real thing, you know!" Blight fired back.

Sewaddle dodged three rocks and fired off a large String Shot that consumed the remaining four rocks. "Karma? Let's see how you like this... Rock Smash!" Boldore leaped into the air with a glowing arm and brought it down towards Sewaddle.

"Dodge it!" Blight commanded. Sewaddle swerved to the side. "Now, String Shot!" A white string entangled Boldore. "Now listen closely when I say pull in for a Tackle!" Sewaddle used its string to pull itself towards Boldore. "Bullshit, there's no such thing as karma, if there was I wouldn't be a victim, Rock Smash!" Boldore prepared to punch Sewaddle, who was charging in. "Seriously? Use the momentum and flip!" Sewaddle smoothly flipped past the Rock Smash and landed behind Boldore, still connected by the String Shot. It then pulled itself in again for a Tackle.

"You'd definitely be a victim, dude. I know for a fact that I'm not the only trainer you've insulted and made feel like garbage," Blight said, "Karma had its eyes on you. You're a jerk for no reason."

"Well, I never chose to treat trainers like that! Boldore, keep attacking with Rock Smash!" Forrest commanded.

Boldore charged in and continuously attempted to hit Sewaddle with Rock Smash, but Sewaddle skillfully avoided every strike.

"Either way, you made the wrong choice. That's why karma isn't on your side," Blight argued.

"...karma isn't real... Because if I got punished for treating people like that, then- then- WHY DIDN'T BROCK GET PUNISHED FOR TREATING ME THAT WAY THROUGHOUT MY ENTIRE LIFE!!" Forrest exclaimed.

There was silence in the air for a while until it was broken by the sound of Sewaddle being knocked into Blight by Rock Smash.

"I always seemed to get the short end of the stick... I always got stuck with the worst persona... While my other siblings were treated like royalty, even the trainers he battled were treated with admiration..." Tears welled up in Forrest's eyes. "Why? Why does he hate me?!"

Blight stumbled to his knees, after being gutted by his own pokémon that was thrown against him,. "F-forrest..."

"It's his fault I'm in this position, it's all on him. So where is his karma?! Exactly!.. Now just allow me to win this, Stone Edge!!"

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