Adventure 05 - Mount Moon, huh.

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The scorching sun beat down relentlessly, its fiery rays causing Blight's body to perspire profusely. His Pokémon, being part grass types, seemed to revel in the sunlight.

Bulbasaur, especially, was in high spirits, leading the group with gusto. Dartrix, however, chose to bask in the warm glow before reluctantly joining the rest, while Sewaddle peacefully slumbered atop Blight's head, relishing in the sun's warmth.

"I can't go on like this," Blight grumbled, coming to a halt. "I desperately need water, or else I might collapse right here."

Frantically searching for any sign of water nearby, Blight scanned his surroundings, but there was nothing to be found. He dejectedly turned his gaze towards the dry grass, his disappointment evident.

Just then, a voice called out from a distance. Dartrix perked up, and Blight followed suit, spotting a man riding towards them on his bike, a glimmer of hope igniting within Blight's eyes.

"What's the matter, kid?" the biker asked skeptically.

"I'm in desperate need of water!" Blight pleaded earnestly. "I need it urgently; I fear I might not survive without it."

The biker sighed, reaching into his bag and producing a bottle of water, which he handed over to Blight with a wry smile.

Blight started drinking like a mad person then midway the taste of the water kicked in and he shot it out. "Disgusting!" Blight exclaimed.

"Hey! My Lotad had too shot out a strong water gun to make that, you better apologize or-"

Blight and his pokémon quickly ran off.


Pokémon Special Chronicles
Chapter Five

Blight gazed up at the setting sun, a delighted smile on his face as he marveled at the perfect view of Mount Moon from where he stood. Intrigued, he and his pokémon decided to venture closer in hopes of gaining a clearer view and perhaps discovering the entrance.

As they eagerly explored the surroundings, their attention was abruptly drawn to a chaotic scene unfolding before them. A girl was being chased by a colossal bird pokémon, clutching a pouch tightly within its beak. Blight instinctively deduced that the bird must have seized the girl's own pokémon.

Without hesitation, Blight and his pokémon sprinted towards the raging commotion, determined to intervene before matters spiraled out of control.

"Dartix, use Take Down!" he commanded, urging his pokémon to swiftly cut through the air and collide with the Fearow. Blight's Sewaddle sprung into action beside him, launching a fluid string shot that ensnared the Fearow's legs. Bulbasaur, not one to be left behind, lashed out her vines with a powerful Vine Whip, forcefully topple the Fearow to the ground.

As the dust settled, Dartix adjusted its glasses, brimming with confidence for another round of battle. However, Blight had no time to spare.

"No time for that now, Trix," Blight asserted firmly, returning Dartix to its pokéball. "We must move quickly!"

Seizing the opportunity, Blight scooped up the girl's forgotten pouch and swiftly grasped her wrist, leading her into the sanctuary of the nearby cave. The Fearow unleashed a deafening screech, a testament to its frustration.

Mount Moon : Inside

Skipping ahead a couple of hours, Blight had gotten to know the girl he had saved a bit better. Her height hinted at her being older, which she confirmed when she revealed her name to be Daisy from Cerulean City. She explained that she was headed to Pewter to gather supplies for the Pokémon show that she and her two sisters run for the people of the city to enjoy.

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