Adventure 04 - We're only lost

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Pre - Chapter

Forrest groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his head pounding from the impact of the ship's crash. The last thing he remembered was the chaos on the S.S.Anne before everything went black. Confused and disoriented, he found himself lying on a remote beach, surrounded by tall grass and unfamiliar terrain. He sat up, taking in his surroundings as he tried to gather his thoughts.

Just as Forrest was attempting to piece together what had happened, a figure approached him. It was Officer Jenny, a determined look on her face as she surveyed the scene. "Well, well, looks like you finally woke up," she said sternly. "Care to explain what happened?"

Forrest blinked, the events rushing back to him. "My friends and I got lost in the tide, we were on the S.S.Anne, but that didn't end well now, we're here and lost," he explained, his voice filled with a hint of worry.

Officer Jenny's eyes widened in surprise. "Lost? We assumed most of the people on the S.S.Anne had died, at least from what we got one of the champions died on that ship. How did you survive?" she questioned, her tone softening slightly.

Forrest shrugged, still trying to make sense of it himself. "Luck, I guess. I mean we were on the back of a fearow about to escape when we were pulled down into the water and then... I don't know."

Just then, Nurse Joy appeared, rushing toward them with a concerned expression. "Boy, are you alright? We were worried about you," she exclaimed, relief evident in her voice.

Forrest mustered a weak smile. "I'm okay, Nurse Joy. Thank you. But my friends, they're still out there. I need to find them."

Nurse Joy placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll do everything we can to help you, Forrest. But first, alert the champion, Jeannette about this, she should be at the old gym."

Nodding in agreement, he thanked them and set off towards the Pokémon Gym.

Inside, the gym was abuzz with energy and determination. The current champion, Jeannette, was battling fiercely against a towering Machamp with her tiny Bellsprout. To Forrest's amazement, Jeannette's strategy was flawless as Bellsprout effortlessly defeated the powerful Fighting-type Pokémon.

As the battle concluded, Forrest approached Jeannette. "Excuse me, Champion Jeannette," he began, trying to mask his anxiety. "I need your help. Long story short, my friends and I got pushed here by the tide, and now I don't know where they could be, I need help searching for them."

Jeannette's eyes softened as she studied Forrest's concerned face. "I understand, Losing friends in uncertain circumstances can be terrifying. Together, we will find them. You have my word," she said, her voice confident yet compassionate.

Pokémon Special Chronicles
Volume Two : Chapter 4

Kellie groaned as she slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbing from the impact of the crash. She blinked her eyes open, finding herself surrounded by tall trees in a dense forest. Her heart sank as she realized she was completely lost, separated from her friends and the chaos of the S.S. Anne.

Jigglypuff nuzzled against her, offering comfort and reassurance with its soft and fluffy fur. Gathering her strength, she stood up and glanced around, looking for any sign of a way out.

As Kellie and Jigglypuff started to explore, a massive figure suddenly appeared before them. It was Hariyama, a towering Fighting-type Pokémon. Kellie's heart raced as she realized the Pokémon was not friendly.


Kellie exclaimed to Jigglypuff, "Jigglypuff, run!"

Kellie grabbed her partner and sprinted through the trees, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and the intimidating Hariyama.

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