● Just a Little Broken ●

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"San....will you marry me?"

I watched as San looked at the ceiling and sigh softly before looking at me. His silence was scaring me, I couldn't read his expression, and it was making my stomach hurt. This was my first time proposing to someone and honestly I didn't think that I ever would.

I sat up straight and he continued to look at me as he sat up as well and took my hands in his.


"Don't say no, please, I won't let you. "


"Please San, I'll do anything for you, I'll cook every night and clean everyday, I'll do your laundry without complaining," I said feeling tears sting my eyes and he put his hand on the side of my face.


"San, please? You're the only one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to walk down the isle towards you, I want to hold your hand and kiss you in front of our friends and family. Please Sannie, please marry me?"


"Stop saying my name and baby, just say yes, please San?" I asked as tears now fell from my eyes and he pulled me into his arms and I cried on his shoulder.

"Please San, please please please?" I cried into his shoulder, so it was muffled but he still understood me.

"Baby breathe slowly, " he said rubbing my back soothingly, but I didn't want to breathe slowly, I wanted him to just say yes. Why was it so hard for him? Doesn't he want to marry me?

I tried pushing him away but he only held me closer to him and honestly I thought I was going to throw up.

"Wooyoung, please listen to me?" He whispered to me and I nodded against his neck, "I'll be honest with you...I didn't think marriage meant this much to you, but I'm glad that it does. For past few weeks, I've been talking to your parents and planning everything and I wanted to surprise you, but I guess that doesn't get to happen anymore," he said pulling away and wiped my tears away and I looked at him confused.

"I don't understand. "

"Wooyoung, I've loved you since day one, yes, we've had our fights and even broke up for a while, but in the end, we found a home within each other. Wooyoung, there hasn't been a day where I didn't love you. I think about you all the time, at work, when you are at work. Even when you are right beside me. Woo, I want us to be together until we're both old and eventually die, but you better not die before me, I swear to God, " he said making me chuckle a bit, "Wooyoung, I hope in every lifetime or whatever, you and I are always together. You're my other half, my soulmate, the man of my dreams. I never thought that I could love a man, I've never thought about it. But here I am, truly, madly, deeply in love with you, so..."

I watched as he stood up from the bed and looked around in his bedside table drawer before pulling out a small gray box before smiling at me and got on one knee. I quickly stood up from the bed and put my hand over my mouth as tears fell from my eyes.

"Jung Wooyoung, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asked opening the box to reveal a rose gold, diamond ring.

"Oh my God, San! Yes!" I said smiling widely and he put the ring on my finger before kissing me deeply making me smile against his lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

This was actually happening, my boyfriend Choi San, actually proposed to me, I'm actually getting married!

He laid me on my back on the bed and hovered over me and smiled caressing my cheek softly making me smile widely.

"Do you honestly think that I would let anything stop me from marrying you? Woo, you're my everything, I'd figure out a way to marry you eventually and I have. I can't say too much, but I was able to get a marriage license for us. The fake wedding that your mom mentioned to you, it was gonna be real, but I wanted to surprise you. But I realized after you started crying that maybe I took it too far and I'm sorry."

"Baby, don't be sorry, it's my fault. I ruined the surprise and I'm really sorry for that. I was greedy and impatient, and...I was starting to feel like you didn't actually want to marry me, " I said looking at the ring on my finger as tears filled my eyes once again.

"Baby, I promise you that I've always wanted to marry you," He whispered looking at me as he caressed my cheek softly making me smile at him.

"I love you, San. "

"I love you too, Wooyoung. "

I smiled pulling him down closer to me as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed soft kisses on my cheek and neck as I ran my fingers through his hair. This man was truly amazing and here I was, acting like a child. Does he actually really want to marry me? I looked at the ceiling as he continued kissing my neck softly. Was I once again forcing him into something? I once again felt like throwing up. I looked at the ring, blinking a few times, letting the tears fall. It was pretty, really pretty, but I don't feel like I deserved to wear it.

I felt uncomfortable, not with him but with myself. He told me that he's been planning this, but has he really? Or was I pressuring him, so he felt like he had to say all that to make me happy? Was this really what he wanted? Was I really what he wanted?

I felt him use his thumb to wipe the tears from my right eye before looking at me and smiled a little.

"Woo, you do know how much you mean to me, right?" He asked looking at me and I nodded as more tears fell and he wiped them away.

He nodded before kissing me softly before looking at me again.

"San I...I'm not forcing you into this, am I?"

"No baby, what makes you ask that?"

"Because, " I said looking at him with teary eyes, "it feels like I am. I feel like I forced you into a relationship, forced you into marrying me, San, I don't feel good. I feel disgusted and uncomfortable with myself. I don't deserve to wear this ring. I don't deserve to have someone as amazing as you. "

"Baby, how long have you been feeling like this?"

"I don't know...since we went to look at wedding dresses..maybe longer."

"Baby, I promise you that you didn't force me into anything, Wooyoung I've loved you since I first saw you, I've told you this before-"

"I know, I know, but I kept thinking about it and-"

"Woo, I know that you are scared, you've been hurt before and now you need constant reassurance and that's fine, it's not your fault. I'm perfectly fine with telling you how happy you make me everyday and how much I need you by my side. Wooyoung, you make incredibly happy. You're so good to me. Constantly checking on me when I'm doing paper work, and you bring me snacks or something to drink. You even give me foot massages. Woo, you're an amazing boyfriend and it's hard to believe how someone wouldn't love you. You're so amazing and special. You take great care of Jinyoung who absolutely loves you. I will shower you with words of affirmations everyday, because you truly deserve it. I'm happy to be marrying someone like you, and I consider myself to be luckiest man in the world because I'm with the most beautiful and amazing, kind and caring, talented and funniest man in the world and nobody will ever change that."

I nodded wiping my tears away and looked at him with a small smile, "I'm sorry that I'm annoying, " I chuckled and he shook his head, smiling.

"You're not annoying, " he said laying beside me and pulled me into his arms, "your heart is just a little broken, but that's alright, I'm gonna put the pieces back together again, it's gonna take some time and it might be little cracked still, but I'll make sure it doesn't fall apart ever again, " he whispered before kissing my cheek softly making me smile more.

I really don't deserve him...

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