● Will You? ●

484 33 18




"Yes baby?"


"What is it, baby?"


"Yes dear?"


"I'm all ears, baby."








"Mr. Jung?"


"Okay, what's up with you?"


"Seriously, you're starting to annoy me now, what is it?"


"Alright, I'm ignoring you now. "





"San. "

"Okay, Seriously stop it."


"For the love of God, I'm going upstairs, don't follow me."


"Nope, goodbye!"

"I just wanted his attention, " Wooyoung said to himself before getting up from the couch and followed the latter upstairs.

"San," Wooyoung said walking into the bedroom and San rolled his eyes, "Why'd you walk away?"

"Because, you kept saying my name over and over again, it was getting annoying. "

"Oh, so now I'm annoying to you? Wow I-" Wooyoung sighed dramatically wiping away fake tears, "I cannot believe my husband thinks that I'm annoying- we have kids together! How do you think they'd feel if they heard you call their Mama annoying?! That's it, I'm leaving and I'm taking the kids," Wooyoung said before turning away from him with a huff and wiped more fake tears away.

"Are you done?"

"Woojin was always a better lover anyway and unlike you, he actually gives me attenti- woah!" Wooyoung yelled as San picked him up bridal style.

"What did I say about mentioning his name?"

"To not to," Wooyoung said with in a shy quiet tone.

"And what did you just do?"

"Mentioned his name."

"And now what's going to happen?"

"Are you going to spank me?" Wooyoung asked with a wide smile and San rolled his eyes before tossing Wooyoung onto the bed.

"Dear God, Woo. No, I was just going to make you do the dishes tonight. "

"But a spanking would be so much more fun."

San looked at him with squinted eyes before shaking his head, "get Woojin to do it. He's a better lover to you anyways."

"Oh come on, you know that was a joke. I've only been with you, " Wooyoung said looking at him as he laid on his stomach, "now at least just come over here and lay with me. I wanna cuddle with you. "

"Fine," San said getting on the bed as Wooyoung moved out of the way, making room for San as he laid down beside him.

San smiled wrapping his arms around Wooyoung's waist, pulling him closer and kissed his cheek softly. Wooyoung smiled widely putting his face in the crook of San's neck, breathing in his cologne.


"I'm not doing this again. "

"No, really I have something to say."

"Oh, then yes baby?"

"I wanna get married. "

San looked at Wooyoung for a moment before sighing softy, "I know baby, I do too, but-"

"But what? Yes it's illegal but I never saw anything saying that we'd be arrested on the spot if we got married. I mean, a gay film director married his boyfriend in public, so why can't I marry you?"

"Woo, it's risky. South Korea isn't exactly a gay friendly place, there's no telling what will happen if we try to get married."

"I'd risk everything to marry you. Please Sannie? I just want to be with you. "

"Woo, look at me, " San said putting his hands on the sides of Wooyoung's face, making Woo look at him, "I would risk everything to be with you, but I have a daughter, and-"

"We have a daughter, San, she's mine too, which you seem to forget so easily," Wooyoung said looking at him with an annoyed glare.

"Can I finish?" San asked looking at him and he nodded.

"We have a daughter. Would you really risk our daughter losing us if we got married?"

"But San, she wouldn't lose us," Wooyoung said removing San's hands from his face, "our wedding wouldn't be in public, we could get married at my parents house, my mother already offered to help. I have a wedding dress, everything would be fine. Really there's nothing stopping us, let's just do it. San....will you marry me?"


~To Be Continued~

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