● We're a Fucking Mess ●

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"She is finally asleep!" I said walking into the new babies room where San was painting the room. Jinyoung has been teething and already has two coming in at the front of her bottom gums, so getting her to have nap time or just ready for bed is a chore.

"That's good, " he said smiling as he continued painting.

I looked around the room and hummed softly, putting my hands on my hips.

"Sannie, I know that you don't want to hear this right now, considering that you are almost done but-"

"Woo, I swear to God, if you tell me that you don't like this color after begging for it at the hardware store, I'm going to shove this paint brush so far up your ass, that you'll be shitting paint for a week, if not longer," he said glaring at me and I giggled smiling widely at him.

"I love you so much and adore everything that you do for me, " I said smiling widely at him and he sighed loudly before shaking his head.

"I'm taking a break, it's really hot in here, " he said standing up from the floor and took off his tank top before using it to wipe sweat of his forehead, neck and chest.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I looked at him, he looked so hot all covered in sweat, the way it shined under the light in the room. God, I just wanted to t-

"You alright, Woo?" San asked knocking me out of my thoughts and I nodded quickly, clearing my throat. He nodded smirking a bit.

"Well, then," he said walking towards me, putting his tank top in the back pocket of his jeans, until my back was against the wall and he put his hands on my waist, "if you don't like this color, what color do you want?" He asked looking into my eyes and I swallowed a lump in my throat as I hesitantly put my hands on his bare, sweaty chest while blushing and looking into his eyes.

"I- I don't k- know, I liked the p- peach color," I said stuttering and mentally cursed at myself.

"Hm, yeah the peach color was nice. Do you think we should go with that?" He asked as his hands gripped my ass and I gasped before covering my mouth and nodded quickly.

He chuckled smiling before kissing my cheek softly, "we've been together for how long now, and you're still nervous around me, certainly not like the Wooyoung in my class who enjoyed mouthing off to me."

"Well, that was different. You were my teacher and annoying. Now you're you're my boyfriend and still annoying, but I find you attractive now, " I said looking away from his gaze and he leaned in closer to me.

"Are you saying that you didn't find me attractive back then?"

"Oh no, I definitely did. But unlike the other students, I kept my perverted thoughts to myself, which was easy whenever you opened your annoying mouth, " I said looking at him and he rolled his eyes smiling a bit.

"You do know that you were annoying too, right?"

"Was not! I was an angel!" I protested and he chuckled.

"Babe, just because you look like an angel, doesn't mean that you are one."

"So you think that I look like an angel?" I asked looking at him with a wide smile and put my hands on the sides of my face.

"Is that all you heard?"

"Yes, I choose to hear only good things that come out of your mouth, " I said batting my eyelashes at him and he rolled his eyes smiling widely.

"Hush, before I change my mind, " he said leaning in to kiss me and I nodded before kissing him softly making him smile against my lips.

I hummed before pulling away from the kiss and patted his chest making him look at me, "I'd love to continue this, but I don't feel comfortable doing it in our child's bedroom, " I said looking at him and he nodded before lifting me up over his shoulder and my eyes widened.

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