First Member

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After I created my fake identification card, the only thing left for me is to go and appoint myself as an ascender. It was really annoying and nerve-wracking to do this all. I just hope I complete this without any trouble.

After walking through the city I saw the building. Just like how the book described. Many people gathered around the building. The structure was different from the other buildings. A method which was alien to me. 

Wait, wait. If I remember correctly the ascenders I approached was someone from the noble family. Can someone like me who came here recently with no background even enter? I should try.

I was now in the front of the building as I looked inside from the glass door. I sighed and tried to go inside. The glass doors opened by themselves making me flinch a little. What kind of invention is this? Just the doors are showing how Alacyra is more advanced than Dicathen.

I went inside and was instantly greeted by the pearl-white hall. White marble floor, walls and some kind of thing transporting people up and down. Truly interesting.

I saw a receptionist talking trying to guide people. It will be easy, just like how I did back in Dicathen.

"Sir, I'm sorry for trying to comment on your decision, but coming here without a proper academy suggestion?" She was sweating nervously probably the first time seeing something like this.

"So, can I take the test or..."

"You can, but I am telling this for your sake, sir."

"Then I will wait." I turned back and tried to find an empty seat. All the young people who came here for the test were wearing good quality armour and had an emblem for their academy I think. But all they had in common was they were nervous and shaking very aggressively. Only some were unfazed.




Just how long it has been? I feel like I almost stayed here for hours. Some people go and then come back crying or happy. Just finish already.

"Khan erm... You can come to the test arena. follow the assistant."

I got up and looked around to find the assistant. 

"I suppose you are Khan. Please, come with me." A brown-haired male with slicked brown hair approached me. 

The man I was sensing from him. No, everyone here. Their mana levels were on par with our continent's veteran battle mages.  This was truly disturbing.


The thing moved us to the second floor. I followed him and after a while, he stopped in front of an iron gate.

"Sir, your test starts now. Just go inside from here and our testers will give you an explanation. Good luck."

The gate in front of me opened by itself again making me flinch again. I will not get used to this...

I went inside surrounded by a white room composed of white tiles. 

"Candidate Khan, striker," a voice boomed from high above. "Your first assessment will now begin."

Just when he said that white tiles just a few yards away from me started opening revealing three giant spider-like creatures covered in runes.

So I just have to beat them.

I got ready and waited for them to make the first move. And just like I imagined they jumped at me at the same time. I rolled to the side dodging all three of them and also made them crash into each other.

I didn't even get the time to warm up. Anyways. I channelled mana to my hands creating a thick layer of outer mana and waited for them to make their move again.

But this time one jumped up and the other two rushed to me quickly despite their huge bodies. I also jumped high, on par with the spider, when it tried to slash me with its two front legs, I grabbed them. From the looks of Rune, I think I might not give them the damage I want but still, I started swinging him and finally threw him to the ground at his brethren. Still no damage to the tiles. The second option comes. dodge them.

I dodged and parried every swing they threw at me perfectly. From up, right and left I dodged them and also threw them sometimes.

It feels like it will not stop anytime. Don't show any more power, don't show any more power.

But suddenly the spiders stopped and slumped down, started going back slowly until the tiles in the wall closed after they went inside.

I wiped my sweat and slumped down, pretending I was tired. Suddenly the tiles started moving and I sprang back again waiting for the second test.

"The next assessment will now begin," the examiner watching behind the glass window declared, his voice echoing through the chamber.


It wasn't that difficult. I finished them easily.

"Striker candidate Grey," a thin bespectacled man said, reading off his clipboard. "Flexibility of offensive magic, above average. Manipulation of mana, high. Athleticism, above average. Mental acuity, above average. Survivability rate, high."

The bespectacled man finally looked up and gave me a smile. "Congratulations, Khan. You have passed the assessment."

"I highly recommend that you party with a caster, as you specialize heavily in close combat. Even better if that party has a shield as well," the woman added before offering her hand. "We hope to see great results on your initiation ascent."

I took her hand. "I'll do my best."


Finally, I'm free. Now I will get inside a relictomb and continue where I left off. But, clearing it alone... I could do it if I still had my shadow soldiers and Noe. But here I am, starting from nothing and getting stronger again.

Now is not the time to get into thoughts. I shrugged off all my thoughts and started finding a party just like the examiner said. 

But no. Upon entering the relictombs I just passed the first floor and went straight to the second floor.

How much I see this place it was just marvellous. I went straight to the place where many ascenders gathered. It wasn't my style but I must find some people to work with. Relictombs were much different than dungeons in my continent.

"Looking for a caster! At least two emblems are required! One-time ascent!"

"Looking for a sentry! Favourable distribution of all accolades!"

Not them, not them, they all are girls, not them, there are fewer people... huh?

 Curly locks of moss-green hair draped over much of his face, but I could make out high cheekbones underneath a pair of deep-set brown eyes. His face reminds me of Helios. If someone is brave enough to walk alone, then they must be powerful.

I wanted to approach him but he acted fast.

"Are you searching for a partner to join Ascends?" His dried-up lips started moving.


"Perfect! Let's find some more people too and then start moving. By the way, my name is Haedrig." His gloomy face lightened up a little.

He was acting a little bit alien and suspicious but what will happen the worst?"My name is Khan"

We shook hands and started looking for more team members...

Thank you for reading  :))))))

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