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Luke POV

After a while I got bored so I tried to find other solutions. First, I turned into the second form and coated my Yeoui with light. When Yeoui hit the monster it screamed in pain. I thought he was regenerating but I was wrong. The light was effective against it! Then, I slashed it so many times that the creature disappeared from existence.

'Another mana beast...No creature defeated. Good job.'I couraged myself.

After that creature, I encountered many unknown mana beasts too. These mana beasts were not strong but annoying. Anyways i continued to go to the depths of this place.


3rd Pov

The Owl Guardian was still standing in her cave.Suddenly,she turned herself to human,revealing silk white hair,red eyes and wearing kimono.

Owl:*Sigh*It was too hard to pretend to not talk.Did i really made the right choice?Giving the-No,no. I'm  sure, he had the light, it was so tiny but there was.The power he showed was little.But enough to trust.Ugh...

The Owl's kimono's back started getting red.When she revealed her back,there was big X scar bleeding.

Owl:If it wasnt for these scar...That damn Vritra...You will pay for these scars...


Luke's Pov

'I think it is enough'As i look at mana cores inside my backpack.Some of them had wills inside but it will pay well.

'It is time to go back.Few weeks should have passed.My level is now 66.'I then turned back,walking in satisfaction as i completed my main mission.

Well,it was boring walking so i started sprinting.But suddenly blood dripped to my mouth and the taste was...salty!Bleh!

'I forgot to bandage my wounds!'I stopped in little shock and started searching for bandages.

When i found them,I started bandaging all my face.Im still curious why these monsters aim for my face.And ambushing was good too.It did some damage to my face but nothing dangerous.

After finished bandaging, I  continued sprinting. After 4 hours of sprinting i stopped at the front of a cave or more accurate a dungeon.And not an ordinary one.An enormous amount of mana was leaking out of this cave.But it suddenly stopped.

'I should go there.Definitely.'And i slowly walked in the cave.


3rd Pov

When Luke woke up he was alone in the infirmary,sleeping on chair.

Luke:Ugh,my neck is aching...

Luke stood up,looking around but saw no one.But suddenly the room startd trembling,loud boom sound could be heard.

Luke:What was that?

Luke with curiosity tried to leave the infirmary.When he left the building he saw the building representing the three races,Tri-Union hall in fire.He quickly rushed to there and saw other dc members too.

Everyone was in panic as they left the building.Dc acted quickly and moved students to safe place.Elijah was helping them to put out the fire.Luke ran near Elijah to help him.

Luke:I came to help bud!

Elijah:You are in time!Just help us to put out this!

Luke:In seconds!

Professors were using water magic to put it out.But one water spell from Luke created big sphere of water on the building.And then,it popped and extinguished all the fire.

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