Luke's Bizarre Adventures

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Arthur and Luke went to visit Elijah.Elijah was not in his right mind.After that sharp pain in his head and missing of his two friends he was not stable.But soon he heard knocks in door.When he opened,he saw his two friends.

Arthur:Sorry,i kind of lost my keys.

Luke:Heyy!How are you doing?

Elijah suddenly hugged two of them.Luke and Arthur hugged him too.

Luke:Hey,It is okay,we are safe.

Arthur:You can't  get rid of me that easily.

Elijah:Yeah,you are like a cockroach.

Arthur:Alright get off of me.

Arthur was packing things.Elijah was petting Sylvie on bed.And Luke was standing,waiting for Arthur.

Elijah:Director Goodsky told me not to worry about you yesterday.But what Claire told me made me not believe to it.

Arthur:Are everyone alright?

Elijah:Yeah.Claire and Curtis checked out of infirmary this morning.Luke you should get checked out too.

Elijah pointed at Luke's face with cuts and bruises.

Luke:They dont hurt and i dont think it will leave a scar.

Elijah:Yeah,it would be trouble if you go to infirmary.And Tessia...she is with his grandfather in training room.

Arthur:Training room?

Elijah:Yeah.You should visit everyone so they see for themselves you're okay.

Arthur:I should...but i dont think i can handle questions they would ask.Do you mind stopping by their meeting room tomorrow to tell them I'm alright?

Luke:Dont worry,i told everyone that you're okay.They asked questions but i managed.

Arthur:Thank you.

All three of them fist bumped,Luke and Arthur left the room.

Luke:So,now we are going to training room?


Luke:I haven't  visited the training room these weeks.I wonder if something is different.

Suddenly Sylvie felt panicked.

Sylvie:'Papa!I feel Mama!Hurry,Hurry!'

Luke:Luke im sensing dangerous thing after the door!Hurry!

Arthur:Im going!

When Arthur opened the door smoke left the room.Soon Virion's voice could be heard.

Arthur:What's going on?

Luke:Is someone attacking?!

Virion:Boy!Im glad you are here!I need your help!

Soon Luke and Arthur saw Virion trying to stabilize Tess covered in vines.

Arthur:'Tess?!'Is that Tess?!

Virion:Yes!She's been like this  since she got back from dungeon.

Arthur:What's happening to her?!

Virion:I think the reason is the beast will!It is fighting back against Tess's body!

Arthur:'Is this my fault?'

Luke:I have an idea!

Luke formed black hole inside his palm and tried to absorb vines.It absorbed but vines grew back.

Virion:Who are you?

Luke:Im friend of Arthur.It doesnt work!

Arthur touched vines but his ring glowed and vines started attacking him.One was almost slashed his side but Luke blocked it with his hand.

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