Unexpected Dungeon

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Luke:It was hell.


Luke:I want to pass out but i cant.Oh she comes.Better pretend like i passed out.

Jasmine:Luke i know you are pretending stop it.


Jasmin:i saw you talking when i was coming here.Anyways you two are light red core?

Luke:Um no im solid.


Jasmine:Wow im surprised.I slowed down a little bit but im impressed.I thought we would have to stop few times.

Luke:'I wanted to flow mana to all my body but it was tiring so i only used mana in my legs.At least i tried.'

Jasmine used Note's hand and created a campfire.

Luke:Note throw water to my mouth.

Note:Here it comes.

Note created a chunk of water and threw it to Luke's mouth.

Luke:*cough cough*I was nearly experiencing death!What the?!

Note:You asked.

It was nightime.Everyone was silent.Note was the first one to break the silence.He took off his mask and looked at Luke.

Note:My name is Arthur Leywin.I was doubting you but you look like good person.Sorry for doubting you.Oh and you can call me Art!

Luke:Oh it is nothing.Wow Arthur.Its good name.


Jasmine:Your bond hasnt come back.Is she doing okay?

Arthur:Oh yeah Sylvie is sending me some uptades.

Luke:Hey,Jasmine and Art,why did you two wanted to become adventurers?

Arthur:I wanted to become an adventurer so i can become strong and protect my family.

This family word was a sore spot for Luke and Jasmine.

Luke:Oh,it is great to have a family,sharing happy or sad moments,helping each other.

Arthur:Yeah.'I can understand you.In my previous life i was also an orphan.It must be hard.'

Luke:Anyways!What about you Jasmine?

Jasmine was silent.

Luke&Arthur:'Oh did we touched a sore spot?'

Jasmine:I...wanted to get away from my family.Its okay ,you noticed it back at guild.Flamesworth House was main contributor to war against the elves.Our houses produced many experienced fire augmenters and conjuerers.When i awakened early my parents had high hopes for me.But after a while when my affinity revealed,they called me lesser.

When Arthur heard this he become furious.

Arthur:I understand that there are levels in mana core strenght but its is completely absurd for mages to create hierarchy based on elemental affinities!All elements are equal!It all depends on user!

Luke was amazed.How can a kid his age can be this mature.

Luke:Yeah i agree.


Luke and Arthur was surprised but Arthur was a little bit embarassed.

Jasmine:Im sorry...Its just that you are
usually composed.I was surprised you got so angry from that.

Arthur:Its just unfair.

Luke:Um what are we going to do tomorrow?

Jasmine:You will see tomorrow.

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