One Sided Massacre

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'My mana decreased a little.'I looked at the screen popping in front of me. Soon, I remembered that I left my two strongest soldiers with Twin Horns. I shared my vision with Wings and saw them fighting with a horde of mana beasts while soldiers were running back.

'It is good.No casualties.'I sighed and waited for my other shadow soldiers to finish searching. And one of them is here already. This one was an AA-class monster but it was different from the others. It was an enormous serpent with wings and despite its looks, this serpent was agile.

'Did you find something already?' I looked at him. He just simply nodded.

'Alright, lead me.'Suddenly Noe popped out of my robe.

'Pa! Is it mealtime?'She said chirping happily.

'You ate just one hour ago.'I said. How can she have this much appetite?

She looked away angrily.

'Hmph.'She jumped and sat on my shoulder.'We will go at full speed. Will you be okay?'I joked with her. I felt her claws go deep into my robe. I also put my hand on her back to make sure she doesn't fall off my shoulder.

My soldier started going at his full speed. It was slow but I can manage. After a while, my soldier stopped. I was surprised at how lucky I was. Elderwood Guardian here?

The entrance was just like the same one I went to years ago.

'Noe, I will go in there and fight Elderwood. You and other soldiers can kill mana beasts. Understood?'

'Yes, Pa!'She chirped happily, can't wait to eat all the cores. She jumped from my shoulder to the ground, transforming into a dragon. Unlike her looks, she is strong. I called 5 shadow soldiers to assist Noe and the serpent.

I quickly went inside the dungeon, ignoring all the mana beasts. It didn't take long to find the door to the S-class mana beast. I kicked it opening the door and also making cracks on it.

It was just like last time. Mists cover everything. I inhaled it but nothing happened. I always find it weird. How can everyone get hallucinations but not me? I remember one time I tried to drink alcohol but it felt like drinking water. I won 1 silver coin while making a bet with a man in a bar. Good times. Now, how to clear the mist. I just swung my right arm to left with full force and cleared all the mist, revealing vines moving as if it was the organism of their own.

'Good for warm-up.'I said summoning my white sword. I always wondered who created this masterpiece. I was using it for slashing but who knows what power this sword is hiding.

I raised my sword high and swung it down to adjust it. Now I'm ready. The vines started rushing toward me but I slashed them without effort. They are regenerating, just like last time. Then, I have to go for him, not his vines. I flew high, above the level of vines, and saw him. It is a little different than last time. It is a little bit less hostile. Its red eyes looked at me, trying to crumble my determination but after failing, it started roaring aggressively and shooting its vines toward me. I just simply dodged them and went for Guardian's head. But I knew he is going to regenerate. With one clean slash, his head started falling. But vines caught it and stuck it in the same place.

'Enough warm up.'I said to myself not wanting to waste any time.

''Noe, did you finish?''I asked Noe telepathically while slashing the vines coming towards me.

''Just finished!''Her telepathic voice was just like a little kid's.’Then, no need to kill time.'

I started speeding my slashes. It looks like the regeneration can't match my speed. Because of this, I could see his core in the middle of his stomach.

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