First day of school

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Luke:Wow,it is already first day of school.Eli is already stratched by Slyv.Art is lazy.And here I'm waiting for them in living room.

Alice:First day energy huh?Well,you don't  have to wait any longer,they are coming.

Luke:Yeah finally.

After the breakfast carriage came.

Arthur:Behave well and look after mom and dad.


Arthur:Keep the pendants on you!

Rey:No words for your dad huh?

Arthur:Don't burn the house while you are training dad!

Rey:Cheeky brat.


They reached the academy.There were so many students.Some came with their pets some came with carriage.And some were showing off their artifacts.

Arthur:We're here.

Luke:I cant wait to battle all the students!

Elijah:So you registered as battle mage too?

Luke:No.Im going to be scholar mage.I want to learn about controlling my affinities.

Elijah&Arthur:But you are perfect at your fire affinity.

Luke created water in his palm.

Luke:I have to make this one stronger.'Lets dont forgot to wear affinity hiding bracelet.'

Elijah:You are trip-


Instructor:Students!Please form a single file line in front of the white central building up ahead!

Three guys were in the line registering themselves.

Instructor:Student:Elijah Knight.Battle mage candidate,affinity for earth magic.

Instructor:Student:Arthur Leywin.Scholar mage candidate,affinity for earth and wind magic?!

She was shocked.Because it was so rare for a mage to be a dual elemental.

Arthur:Thats me.Is there a problem?

Instructor shook her head.And said he can go.

Instructor:student:Luke Leywin?


Instructor continued.

Instructor:Scholar mage candidate,affinty for water.You can go.

Arthur:'How did he hide his elements?

Luke knew what Arthur was thinking by his expression.Luke showed him the bracelet.


They went to the audotorium.It was big and its structure was so beautiful and expensive.After taking seats,and waiting for a little bit,Goodsky appeared on the podium.She winked at Arthur.She surrounded the whole audotorium with sound magic.It looks like she muted all the students.

Arthur:'I knew she could use the sound magic but cover entire building!'

Goodsky at first welcomed all students.She talked about all the 3 races being together in this building.And at the end she introduced the student council.Lilia was among them.

Elijah:Look look!Lillia!We should cheer for her!Wooo!Go Lillia!

And at the end a silver haired elf girl came.Every boy was stunned by her beautiful looks.

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