Disciplinary Commitee

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Luke went to the room commitee was located.At the hall,everyone was looking at him.

Luke:'This is making me feel uncomfortable.'

Luke reached the room.When he wanted to open the room he saw a lion roaring at him.Luke didnt want his clothes in salivia so he dodged lion pefectly and entered the room.

Kai:Well,the plan didn't  go well.

Luke:What plan?

Kai:Just testing you.I wonder why Ms.Goodsky choose someone like you at last second.

Kai was leaning forwards.And Luke didn't  like his behaviour.

Luke:I want to tell,that your first impression is bad.

Luke started leaking bloodlust.

It shocked Kai as he flinched.Kai stretched his arm for handshake.Luke stretched his arm too.

Kai:I-Im Kai.Kai Crestless,fourth-year.You can just call me Kai.

Luke:I'm  Luke.Nice to meet you.

Kai:Hm,only Luke?


Kai:We didnt get any information about you.Others are waiting for you.

Luke and Kai went to main room.

Kai:Well,guys the new commitee member is here.

One by one every member showed up.There were Claire,Curtis,Kathlyn,Theodore,Feyrith and Doradrea.

Kai:Well,there should be one more guy too.

Everyone greeted Luke.Theodore came forth and wanted to test Luke.He wanted to handshake with Luke to test him.Theodore used his gravity magic to make Luke fell on ground.But Luke didnt feel anything.


Kai:I didn't  think you would be standing.

Luke:You want to try?

Kai:No thank you.

After a while Arthur came too.

Claire:Well everyone!This will be the first time the students will see our faces.

Arthur:But we didn't  even prepared.


Curtis:Nothing to prepare.Student council will do the talking.

Claire:Well then!Lets show the students what will happen if they break the rules!


Professors were teaching lessons as usual.After the lesson finished,it was professor Geist's lesson.Eli said goodbye to Arthur and Luke.They went to class and waited for it to begin.And then they saw Kathyln and Feyrith came near them.

Feyrith:If it isn't  Princess Kathyln and my rival Arthur.

Luke:Hey,what about me?

Feyrith was looking scared

Feyrith:O-oh hello Luke.

Luke whispered to Arthur.

Luke:Hey Arthur.

Luke pointed to Kathyln with his eyes.Arthur knew what Luke was trying to tell and closed his eyes.


Kathyln:May I sit here?


And the class started.Geist started talking about practical mana manipulation.When he saw Arthur he started taunting Arthur to duel him.Luke sensed him looking at Arthur and other girls.

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