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It was chaos in the Academy. Mana beasts rampaging around, killing students. Professors tried to get the problem under their control. But it was not working.


Suddenly the carriage stopped, making its insides tremble. Tess left the carriage and saw a red barrier.

Driver:Princess Tessia what should we do?

Luke left the carriage too. But suddenly something went in the direction of the carriage, trying to make it explode. But Luke created a thick waterfall in a second to counter it. When the fire hit the water, it exploded but didn't do damage to the carriage. But it evaporated the water wall completely. Soon, the man revealed himself and he was Lucas.

There was something different in him. He had veins everywhere on his body. And he was laughing maniacally.

Lucas:Hello princess.

Luke:Lucas? What is a lonely boy like you doing here? Lost your way?

Lucas:Look who is here?Dungeon sacrifice. I'm only here for the princess. If you surrender I will forgive you.

Luke:No thank you.

He showed his middle finger to Lucas. It irritated Lucas so he attacked first. But his direction was towards Tess. He had some plan in his head. Tess tried to use his wind magic but it was weak. Lucas tried to grab Tess but suddenly crashed into a tree on his left.

Luke:Shrink, stretch, shrink, stretch. Now for the final touch, Sun's force.

Lucas suddenly stuck to the ground.

Luke:Now wait there like a little puppy until I return. Lucas tried to stand up but was slapped to the ground once again by Luke.

Luke:Sun's force 2x.Well, how about going back, Tess?

Tess:He is still...

Luke:Ah, no worries, I will take care of him, let's go back to Manor.

Tess:But what is happening inside?

Luke:Art and I will look into this. We don't want to make your boyfriend worry, do we?

This made slight blush on Tess's face. She quietly went to the carriage and closed the door.

Luke:Wise choice.

Luke looked at Lucas, still trying to escape from the gravity magic. Luke went near him and started stomping on his head, but weak enough to not make his head explode.

Luke:Know your place, you shit.

Luke hopped on the carriage and told the driver to turn back to Manor. After making sure she is at Manor, only Arthur came outside. After telling him everything, he looks like he will kill Lucas. Luke and Arthur went directly to Academy. But something happened.

Luke suddenly flew to the right and crashed into a few trees. Arthur saw it and tried to help Luke but Luke told him he was going to solve this and come after him.

Suddenly, a girl with black hair, two obsidian horns, and crimson red eyes floating in the sky. Luke couldn't believe his eyes. She was his friend Amelia! But what happened?

Amelia:Hello Luke. You may think I'm your friend but your friend left this world not too long ago.

Luke:What? What are you spouting nonsense?

Amelia:It is truth. Your friend was a vessel of mine you stole a little while ago. She was the best candidate. She was the only one who could bear my power.

Luke:This...doesn't even make sense.

Amelia:Enough. You are an obstacle to me but he told me to keep you alive. With this body, it will be hard.

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