2 Years

573 28 4

'Give me the report.'Said the man with a black samurai robe, resting his head in his hand, sitting on a boulder.

'My Lord, the sky is clear as I didn't sight any flying mana beasts.'The shadow taller than him kneeled in front of him.

'Very well.What about you?'The man turned his head to a shadow with metal armor covering tight its body. Its head looked like it was in the fire. It was also kneeling before the man.

'My lord, the ground is also clear.'The shadow creature talked with a rough voice.

'You can return.'The man stood up as the two creatures went inside his shadow.

He was tall for someone his age. His hair, as black as the night sky, and blue, sky-like eyes that can pierce a veteran adventurer's soul, gaze as cold as snowy mountains, long hair reaching his shoulder tied to back, his bangs were reaching his eyebrows. Mature facial features and sharp jawlines were making him a total ladykiller.

'They are scared of me now? Very good. Beast Glades is now my territory.'The man smirked a little as he started flying.


Virion was going through the hall lighted with torches and red carpet underneath. The man with glasses was trying to pace himself with the Elder elf.

'C-commander!He still doesn't want to work for us! But instead, he tells us to give him the Beast Glades completely!'Glasses nervously fixed his glasses.

'Damn it!'Virion cursed under his breath as he started walking more quickly.'Who does he think we are? His servants?!'Virion yelled angrily.'Tell him we will not give him anything if he doesn't work with us! Virion turned and was ready to open the door guy near him said.'Commander Virion...The Beast Glades is still his territory. And he helps us with Alacyran soldiers too.'

A glowing pair of eyes could be seen in Virion's shadows. But no one was able to see or sense it.


'Still stubborn huh?'The man smiled while flying in the air.'Well, I don't even need your consent, because it is already mine.'He said with a smirk and continued to fly. Suddenly a head of a little owl poked its head from the black robe the man was wearing.

"Is it meal time?!" Little owl chirped happily. The man petted its head with a little smile.'Be patient Noe.'The man told her and it went in the robe again.

The man flying in the sky was none other than Luke or what people call him:Hero in Shadows.

Luke POV

The nickname people gave me is... embarrassing. Other than that these 2 years weren't enough but at least I honed my skills. I restricted my usage of mana to get better at it. It seems like we are here. The dungeon where the S-class mutant mana beast resides. I have to take that core.

'Come forth, Wings.'I called my soldier and It formed himself in front of me.'Go and clear the dungeon.'I simply commanded him and he in a blink of an eye went inside the dungeon.

'Let's go with him.'I started following him to the dungeon. I sent 2  shadow soldiers to protect the entrance and the other 2 to analyze the area.

I shared Wing's vision and saw no one in the dungeon. It is good. I will finish this and go. There were only orcs and gnolls nothing more. Wings was slashing all the mana beasts mercilessly in his way. I started increasing my speed to reach him. Just a couple of seconds later I was on the same pace as him.

'Maybe a little faster, Wings?'I kicked the Orc in my way. He just flew up and stuck to the ceiling.

'As your wish, my lord.'Said with a calm tone and increased his speed.No it is still slow.If I show him maybe he will truly increase his speed. I started speeding up leaving Wings behind. He suddenly realized and tried to go at full speed. But he was still behind me.

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