Adventurers Guild

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Luke:Now what are we going to do?

Helios:Arent you a little hungry?First lets grab a bite.

Luke:Now you say*grumble*Yeah..

Helios:Alright who is going to pay?

Luke:Wow what a joke.What about the last one will pay for food?

Helios:You sure little one?

Luke suddenly sprinted forward to the nearest restaurant.

Helios waited for a little.

Luke:You know im not the little one you know!

Level 6


Mana core:Red Core/Solid stage


Helios and Luke reached to Adventurer's guild.Helios went in first and talked with receptionist.After a while Helios called Luke and receptionist escorted them to room where leader of this branch situated.

Receptionist:Sir this way.Mr.Bladeheart is in this room.

Receptionist opened the door for Helios and returned back.

Kaspian Bladeheart saw Helios and left his seat to welcome him.He bowed his head and started speaking.

Kaspian:Welcome sir.It is honor to meet you.My name is Kaspian Bladeheart.Im in charge of this branch.I assume you came here for him.

Helios:Haha you have sharp eye boy.He is my student.

Kaspian:Sir Helios it is surprising to see that you accepted him as a student.If you want we can assign him a rank without testing him.

Helios:No need.I want to see how much he improved.

Kaspian:As your wish sir.

After a while they walked to arena and saw different kinds of people figting with instructors.Luke was amazed that all these people are here to be adventurer.

Luke:Im so excited!

Helios:Be patient boy.

Luke:You know it is my first official duel.Duels with you are not duels.They are one sided battles.

Helios:Haha!Alright alright.Lets take a seat.And i think we have some promising members here.

Helios looked at masked kid.Masked kid was analyzing the battle.

Luke:'Who is that kid?I sense something'

Luke and masked kid looked at each other.Luke saw something different in masked kid's eyes.He felt like he was not looking at a kid's eyes.It felt more like looking at the eyes of a man whose life only went in battlefields.Luke then looked at Helios.After they decided where to sit they looked at battles.

Luke:'That kid is dangerous.'

First Diane Whitehall fought with instructor and got C-class.Next was Elijah Knight and he got B-rank without fighting.And then Lucas Wykes came fort and after a fight he got B-rank.

Luke:'What an arrogant kid.'

After that the masked kid came forth.When instuctor readied his stance something felt off.Luke felt some pressure.And Luke wasnt the only one as well.Instuctor felt that pressure too.Suddenly door opened and Kaspian can be seen.

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