Honor and Tourneys

Start from the beginning

They laugh as Maegon gestures for her to go first. She sighs as she looks at her friend in the eye.

"Thank you for being a great friend, Maegon," Baela told him, "I had a lot of fun with you and your siblings these past few weeks."

Maegon smiles at her, "I'm glad you had fun. I did too. Hopefully the next time we see each other, it will be soon."

"I hope so, my Prince," Baela beams, Maegon blushing at the title, "I wish you luck in the years to come until we meet again."

Maegon hugs Baela for the first time since they had met. It was not a long hug, but rather a genuine and short hug between two friends.

They exchange smiles as they separate and Maegon wishes Rhaena a safe journey home. Matthew hugs Rhaena, nearly crying at the thought of possibly never seeing her again. But the girl reassured him that they would play again some day.

Steffon and Jaeron stood there wishing them a farewell, well more so Jaeron. Steffon was simply standing around, looking at them, not believing that they were actually leaving Ashbourne.

Now it was time for Daemon and Maekara to say good bye and they both had no idea what to tell each other, just like their children.

"Sylugon daor naejot jiōragon aōla ossēntan while nyke gone," Daemon jokingly says, as Mae quietly laughed. (Try not to get yourself killed while I am gone.)

"I won't. I have to make sure I outlive you," Mae told him as they shook hands, a sign of respect to each other. Daemon chuckled at her response, as they walked to Caraxes and Vhagar where the dragon keepers were calming them down.

"Make sure to write when you have arrived home," Mae told Laena who nodded, and proceeded to mount Vhagar, Baela and Rhaena followed after her. Daemon mounted Caraxes, who let out his odd whistle, roaring and ready to take flight.

Daemon commanded Caraxes to fly as he took a few steps and took off, slithering through the winds. The massive Vhagar flew off right after him. The people of Ashbourne waved at them as they flew above the city. Maegon and Mikaela waved and screamed their goodbyes, even though the Targaryens were unable to hear them.

Mae put a hand on her children's shoulders as they watched them leave. Ser Wyatt approached his Queen, "Your Grace, Ser Richard has summoned you to the throne room."

"Thank you for informing me, Ser," Mae thanked him as they all headed to the castle. The wind picking up and the clouds casting a dark shadow on the city.

Her children all separated to their own chambers as Mae walked into the throne room, spitting Richard standing in the middle, looking at the tapestry in which Mae was being crowned.

"You have come a long way since this day," Richard says as he traces the tapestry, admiring the person on it.

"I do not like to think about that day," Mae reveals as she walks past him, "What is that you wanted to discuss?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to see you," Richard admits as he observed Mae's features, "Did Daemon leave already?"

"They did," Mae told him, "The whole thing is reminding me of Rhaenyra."

"Really? How so?" Rich asked as he removed his helm, giving Mae his full attention.

"I am not so sure. I think I just miss her," Mae confessed as Richard nods, going to stand in front of her, "I miss her everyday."

"Why don't we talk in your chambers?" Richard suggests as he gestures to the servants who were walking in and out of the throne room, tending to their duties, who were probably listening in on their conversation.

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