Chapter 9: Skoo

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Sera was teaching me brushstrokes, with a more... hands-on approach, sitting on my lap and guiding my hand.

Now, I'm in music. 

Sona: For today... just play and figure out a tune, then... next week, we work on that. 

Sona, the DJ from Ahri's party is actually our music teacher. 

She's one of those cool teachers, less crabby, way more chill and sort of... wanting-to-be-young-again type. 

She's awesome though. 

But Sera... super rad, super bad, she bad as hell. 

I see her facial expression go from happy to focused... and it's so cute. 

I study her chords, her hand placement on her guitar, and it's beautiful. 

It's like... watching an angel play a harmonica or some shit. 

Y/N: Wow... you are really good...

Sera: Yeah... my father's a acoustician, a sound expert, he always made sure the guitar was in tip-top shape and taught me the wonderous sounds of this world. 

Y/N: Ever thought of audio engineering? 

Sera: Maybe... that's really technical though. 

Y/N: I bet I could help you figure it out, now... can you help me figure this out? 

Sera: Well... one, your guitar is out of tune, and... here... 

She inches in her chair towards me, then helps me with my hand placement. 

Y/N: Like I said... uhm... uncharted territory... 

We both share a light giggle, then she looks up at me when she gets my hands right. 

Sera: Try now...

I strum it, and it's perfect. 

Sera: Again... 

Sona appears behind me.

Sona: Try moving your fingers... here... 

She puts my fingers on another part of the neck. 

I strum the ones I'm holding this time, making a different note. 

Sona: He's a natural...

Sera: He is... thank you Ms. Sona! 


All the girls surround me as soon as class lets out.

Ahri: Playing guitar with Sera? You should practice singing with me.

Kali: Uhh... with us, actually. 

Kai: What about dance? 

Evie: Girls... please... let him spend time with HIS girls...

Kali: His... wha...

Evie comes up to me, in front of everyone, and kisses me, then locks arm with me. 

Sera: Ehehe... you guys have fun, come on Ahri! Let's go to English! Love you bae! 

She pecks me on the lips before heading out with Ahri and Akali.

Kali: Wait, with who? Because I got... *muffled ninja noises* 

They all walk away, leaving Kai staring at us awkwardly. 

Kai: I don't... you're so lucky... Evie...

Evie: Come on, flex that Shurima accent later... you'll have your chance, we all will.

The Highschool Experience: E&E (KDA x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang