Chapter 11: When life gives you lemons

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Sera spaces her legs out, straddling my waist. 

I bring her knees up, and she starts rubbing up against me, grinding me. 

Her lips taste better and better the more I kiss them. 

I've never tried it, so I'll try now, I tilt my head and work my tongue, she catches on and we probably look ridiculous, trying to tongue each other. 

I can tell she's just as inexperienced as me. 

She separates to stare at me, her eyes shimmering in the dark. 

Sera: Y/N... I gotta confess...

Y/N: What's up...

Sera: This... is my first time. 

Y/N: Same here, it'll be either really good, or... really bad. 

Sera: I'll shoot for really good... do you have any... umm... 

Y/N: Diseases? STDs? Nah... heh... my physical said so. 

Sera: Good, I don't have any either, but I do have an IUD...

Y/N: Well... that makes it easy. 

I slide my hand up her body, arriving at her face. 

She starts sucking on my thumb, licking it, playfully biting it, then drags it down to her chest. 

I one-up her, I run my hands under her shirt, playing with her breasts. 

Sera: Mmm... just like that... *soft moan* 

She takes her shirt off, then starts pulling on mine. 

I interrupt my fondling to take off my shirt. 

She loses her skirt, leaving nothing but her underwear. 

I unhook her bra, luckily it was one of the easy strap ones. 

Sera: Evie told me something, can I try it? 

Y/N: Sure. 

She leans forward, her nipples dangling in my face. 

I grab onto her and pull her chest down onto me, sucking on her nipple as she moans, prying at my sweatpants. 

My member... it's... never been this hard before. 

I wiggle my legs, throwing my pants off. 

She starts stroking me as I keep going hard on her chest. 

I thrust my hips up each time her soft hand goes down. 

She giggles, then moans when I nip a little. 

Sera: Someone's itching to go... huh...

Y/N: Mmm... yeah... how about I... take you for a ride? 

Sera: That was so corny... shush...

Y/N: What? No, it was not. 

Sera: Well... when life gives you lemons...

Y/N: Now, that was corny. 

Sera: Better than... YOURS!!! 

Y/N: Shhh... 

Sera silently yelps, moans as she sits on top of me. 

She's so fucking tight, it hurts going in.

As she relaxes, it starts to slide in and out easier, her wetness from the nipple play was enough for the main course. 

The Highschool Experience: E&E (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now