Chapter 34: Graduation

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So, we're near the end of the line, right at the end of May. Spoiler alert, that design did pass, and I got my notebook the other day. It fucked up all their noses, but it looks pretty fire still. 

They got Pop/Stars going on in the background and I am... rightfully sloshed, but still conscious!

Y/N: Guys, you sure it's a good idea having a party the night before the ceremony? 

Ekko: Well, it's a night ceremony, bro, it's at seven.

Yasuo: Yeah, we'll be sober by then. Remember, this is all legal. 

Garen nods, pouring the shots of vodka in our glasses around Evie's parents' bar. Evie's parents went out on a date, and it looks like they went out of town for it too, I guess they needed some alone time before the big ceremony. 

Y/N: Well... uhh... 

Toby: What are we toasting to, big painter? 

Evie steals my shot, and then Garen pours another one for me. I look behind me and all the girls are ready to drink with me. 

Y/N: To... hmmm... to a high-school experience! Wait, no, TO THE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE!!!


We all take a shot, and then after that, I really do not remember, I'm sorry.



I am the utmost kerfuckled... cronkelbottomed... hungover as a fuck. Someone definitely slipped something in my drink, because I really just didn't remember a damn thing. Let's get up- oop- that's not happening. I have five half-naked women sleeping on top of me. 


Evie puts her hand on my face. 

Evie: Nuh... mmm...

She starts groaning, then starts stroking my nose, slightly snickering in her sleep. I go back to snoozing a little longer after I brush her hand away. 

A little over five minutes later, another girl pops her head up out of the flesh pile, yawning, and it's Sera. Kai is next, then Ahri, then Kali, and Evie. 

They then all pan to me like some horror film, staring me down with their cold, dead, hungover eyes. 

Y/N: Morning...

Ahri: What happened?

Y/N: I-I don't know but... ugh... I feel horrible...

Evie: You... feel bad? I feel fucking... sore... and a little filled...

Y/N: Did we all... did we get freaky? 

Kali: Dude... that six-some was... holy shit that was fucking wicked! 


I look around at the scattered clothes, and there's a box of condoms that's been spilled all over the nightstand. 

Y/N: Looks like we did... there's only two left. 

Kai: Ahh! *Soft moaning* S-stop!

Y/N: What's wrong? Ohhh... shit...


I adjust myself, pulling out of Kai, I was probably inside her the whole night, holy shit. 

Kai: Fuck... thanks!

Y/N: Don't mention it... it's fine. 

Ahri's tails start to fly all around as she slowly wakes up, taking up the whole room because they are extra poofy this morning. 

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