Chapter 1: Summer blues

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It's senior year, and there isn't much time left before it's time to move on with the next step of your life. There are things to do, people to see, and yet Y/N still has not done everything. 

His final year of High School, and yet he never has done anything that important. 

Community service? Eh, they waived that off, so he's good on that. 

Snapchat? If you don't have Snapchat messaging, you are a nobody at this school. Every high schooler has this app, including the nobody known as Y/N. Why? No idea, I'm just the narrator. 

Core classes? He's done his part! Now... it's just time for him to fill the rest of the electives. 

Sports? Y/N always had the potential, but he fears that it's too late, sort of time wasted. 

Love? A foreign concept, apart from the family love he receives at home. 

Y/N is not the most social student at Piltover High, but at least he gets his work done. 

But... that all changes during his senior year. 

No more classes to take, only electives, so that he may grow as a person. Not too many extracurriculars, so that he may be forced to take a sport, that or... join the mathletes. 

Let's see what happens, shall we? 



Ekko: I got it! Calm yo tits! 

I'm in a heated fucking raid right now, Destiny is such a classic game. 

It was cool that all the fellas held onto their Xboxes so we could play this masterpiece. 

Ezreal destroys the last oracle and we're teleported back. 

Now it's up to me, the relic holder, to shield them from Atheon and cleanse them. 

I head to the middle and put it up, but then-

Garen: FUCK!!!

Garen's mom muffled: Hey! Language!

Garen: Sorry mom!

Garen blew himself up with his rocket launcher because he was stuck in his bubble. 

There goes the weapons bubble, but good thing we have Yasuo and Kayn as their hunter selves. 

When one tethers, the other one waits, then the other one tethers. 

In no time, Atheon is dead, and we get the sweetest loot ever. 

Y/N: I got adept fatebringer. 

Yasuo: Toby is gonna be so jealous...

Kayn: Uhm... AKSCHTUALLY I think you mean TwistedFate69...

Yasuo: KYS.

Quinn: Y/N!!! DINNER!!!

Ekko: Speaking of dinner, ya'll wanna do a McDo's run? 

Y/N: McDonald's? 

Ekko: McDo's, because the light outside is fucked up and doesn't display it. 

Kayn: Swag, I'm down. 

Garen: Sure, who am I picking up? 

Y/N: Me after dinner, I'll come along for that. 

I put the controller down and shut the Xbox off. 

In the summertime, we have late dinners, specifically seven or eight. 

Although, dad always liked them early, because he was stuck in military time. 

The Highschool Experience: E&E (KDA x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora