Chapter 31: Bunny Ears

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This is the Friday before Easter break, and they give us... yet another week off to do whatever the fuck. I guess because some people travel far... for Easter? I have no idea, but I'm not seeing any relatives, probably just my uncle if he's not busy.

Which he almost always is... 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO... is Sera, but of course the other girls.

I know it seems like I haven't been focusing in on all of them, Evie especially... maybe... not since winter break, but I plan on showing some love to her, because she's starting to give me the "neglected" look. 

You know it when you see it, and her eyelid twitches a little, and she looks away when you look at her from afar. She needs attention, and you're going to fucking give it to her. 

With a woman like that, I know she needs it. 

Alright, here we go, Evie's coming over in study hall. She drops her backpack by mine, and then sits... right on my lap. 

Evie: Mmmm... I prefer this seat better... 

I push my one leg out from under her, twisting her around so she sits on my one leg, and I pull her legs up over my other leg.

Y/N: So, what do you want for Christmas? 

Evie: You.

Kai: Same...

She starts rubbing my one arm with her clawed hand, smooching my cheek and leaning in for a cuddle. 

I balance her on my leg until the class is over, then I pick her up, making her yelp and giggle as I hoist her right up. 

I can barely carry any of them... and I remember that, so I drop her on her feet. I think what makes it funnier is just how short she is, because she loves to talk down to me despite me standing almost a foot taller than her. 

Evie: You, must know your place, when are we doing something? 

Y/N: Funny, I was thinking the same thing... maybe over break? 

Evie: Deal. 

She puts her hands on her hips, standing up straight and "looking down to me" when she's looking up. 

Y/N: Stop looking at me like that...

Evie: Hmmmm... no.

I look down at her, staring right into her eyes as they drain my soul and my humanity, turning me into her worshipper, then she starts to blush, smirking with her little fangs.

Evie: D-don't... stop staring at me like that! Ehehe... 

Even the devil has a soft side.

Y/N: I love you... I love all of you...

I wrap up all the girls around me, nuzzling all of them. 

???: Lucky bastard...

???: Weirdos...

Yet for some reason, any remark made, it doesn't bother me when I have them in my arms. I think I just found a temporary cure for my anxiety, hugging my girls and not facing a damn thing. 

After that defeat, we just start walking. 

Ahri: Rude...

Y/N: It's alright... let them gawk, they can't cook like I can. 

Sera: Let him cook...

Kali: Alright... 

Y/N: Every day I get to wake up and see you guys is another day in paradise, it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, I need all of you, every single one of you, in my life. I hope we go hard, even after high school.

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