Chapter 18: Making the rounds

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The twinge that I was feeling every morning and night in my head has stopped yesterday. 

So... I think I'm almost back to normal but... I feel like I still have a couple of screws loose. 

I... I'm not myself, I don't think I ever will be. 

I'm... sorry girls if I fuck anything up but... I just feel a little off, different. 

I... am back in school right before Christmas break, and... Kali and I spent some time together there. 

The legends were true... she looks amazing in a sports bra. 

Sweat trickling down her abs, I'm so down bad it's not even funny. 

I'd say we got it pretty solid now...

Kai'Sa is next on my list I think.

Kali is pure gold, just like the other girls under my wing.

But Kai... walking with her to the parking lot after study hall every other day... it's got it's perks.

Something about that vibe you get when walking with a friend or... someone you care about, in the freezing, snowy cold, it's just beautiful.

She loves the snow, she said it's something that she never had when she was younger.

I want to take her out some day and like... make a snowman with her or something.

Oh, and by the way, I might be dating some popstars.

Yeah, they finished a song while I was clocked out in my dark room.

They put it on YouTube and people are eating it up.

People love it, I love it, Pop/stars was such a banger.

I just wish Sera was around for it... but I kept her good company at least...

Actually, let me check it now- 


They went viral, they went trending. 

No music videos yet, just a sound recording in the media room at school. 


Morgana: Alright! That's the bell, just turn in what you have! 

I place my paper on her desk and then she brushes my hand. 

Morgana: Can you stay a little after class? I'll write you a note. 

Y/N: Uhh... sure. 

As all the students leave, I'm met with a pale, gothic, glowing, purple-eyed teacher. 

Literally a goth girl, like... mommy, sorry, I don't see how she isn't one. 

She's a bit older, but I hope she doesn't try anything sus because... I have girlfriend... girlfriends...

She watches the last teacher's pet leave the classroom, then looks at me with a smirk.

That smirk that Evie gives me... but... more alluring...

Morgana: So, I helped you with your letter, and you got in, right? 

Y/N: Y-yeah... did you like what I wrote today? 

Morgana: Mmm... "Help From the Fallen"? I appreciate you writing about me... 

Y/N: Uhh... t-thanks? 

Morgana: How's your head? 

Y/N: F-fine... w-why did you want me to stay behind? 

Morgana: Straight to the point... almost like my ex-husband...

The Highschool Experience: E&E (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now