Chapter 17: I'm thankful for a merry Christmas

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Day... I lost count...

It's been a while in my dark room but... at least I had some visitors.

Evie and Sera both came over to visit, to cuddle and to tell me what's new.

The teachers miss me in school and... my friends miss gaming as well.

I'll be back on the grind in no time.

This is going to take a little longer than I thought.

I feel like asshole every morning, and every night before bed.

I only leave my dark bedroom for dinner, and to open the door for guests, that's it.

Akali was supposed to stop by today with Sera as well, so I'm really looking forward to that.

I promised her a lot, and I couldn't deliver, I wouldn't be surprised if she already dumped me for someone else.

We'll find out today I guess.

Maybe... hopefully... Evie or Sera convinced her to stay.

Because... I feel like I just kissed her once, promised her a bunch of nothing, then just vanished.

I feel horrible and she deserves an apology for that.

I mean, it isn't my fault but... still...

I love her, and she deserves someone more committing.

I should have never played football, it wasn't worth getting accepted into Piltover University.

The advisor sent me a letter saying I got in, but I wasn't excited.

They said they would love me to play football for them, but... I really don't think I can.

I'm afraid, if I'm being honest.

I think everyone out of my friend group is going to Piltover University, well... some people are going to Demacia and Noxus, dad would be happy with that.

I can't believe I won regionals, that's incredible.

Mom: Knock knock!

Y/N: What's up?

Mom: Sera's here! And she brought a friend!

Kali: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Akali! Hey, what's up! Thanks mom!

She nods, then closes the door and walks away.

Sera's eyes shimmer in the dark, and Kali's jacket sparkles.

Sera: Babe!

Y/N: Boo!

We share a kiss and a light cuddle.

Kali is next, she practically dives on me, slamming me into the bed.

Kali muffled: Mmmm... I missed you so much... I love you so much... I never wanna leave... I saw it on TV and got so worried, oh my fuck I'm so sorry... I-

Y/N: K-Kali... It's okay, shhhh...

Kali: You did good though... you won for us...

Y/N: I won for you, for all of you guys, I love you guys... I mean... without Ekko's help I would've forgotten about you guys but... we're okay now.

Sera: That's a concussion moment, my dad had one and almost forget who I was, falling from a building is... not fun.

Y/N: Getting clobbered three times in a row isn't either, fuck...

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