Chapter 28: Spring Into Action

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As soon as the month of March it, the senioritis was strong with me, I just could not be fucking bothered to do any work, especially since the end of the year projects were already done. 

I'm very grateful I don't have any grade-deciding presentations or anything. Because I know if I had to one of those, I would not survive. This makes me even more grateful that Creative Writing counts as an English class. 

The girls are doing well, especially since it's Spring Break now, where we get to sit back and goof off, or travel if you're rich. 

That's what we did, except we weren't rich, so, we drove, all the way to Holdrum, which was a pretty long drive all things considered. 

The beaches though? Fucking sick around this time of year. Not scolding hot, not too cold either, very beautiful. As I'm writing this part, I'm sitting on a lounge chair on a patio, borrowing my uncle's beachside cabin.

It's an estate, but it's really a cabin. It's two-bedroom, one bathroom, very small and lowkey, and the backyard goes right out into a beach. All made out of wood that's stained by the elements of the sea. 

Still, the view is insane, just wish I could bring the girls along. Especially Ahri, she's been hornymaxxing the whole time I've been out of town. 

My phone goes off right as I might that thought, so I stop writing and throw my book in my room someplace safe, then come back outside, looking at my phone in my trunks. 

Oh boy...

Y/N: Dang... 

Mom: What is it?

Y/N: Oh, nothing! 

Just a video of Ahri folding herself like a pretzel in some leggings, with her tails wagging and then wrapping up her legs. OH!!! The yoga sleep pose or whatever, that's it. Yeah, that's too hard for me. 

Looks good when she does it though...

Evie corrupted my mind; my mouth is fucking watering at the sight of it. Nope, never mind, I remembered I'm just myself, maybe it was Ezreal, I don't know. Speaking of, I had to leave my Xbox behind too, so no sus Xbox chats for a week.

But... I really gotta indulge Ahri when I get back, she's been cooped up for too long, and I think this hotter weather is getting her to act up. Back to Evie, she was indeed right, all she needed was me to take her out to dinner first. Her day during Valentine's didn't involve anything nasty either. 

Ahri and I spent the entire time cuddling, reading books, playing with her tails, letting my Lego astronauts discover new lands on her backside, and then watch a movie or two. Now I gotta find some time to call her, same with the other GORLS...

Now... that's got me wondering, can she be in heat? Like... like an actual fox? I should look into that. 

Y/N: out of curiosity, can u or r u be in heat, like a normal fox? sry if it sounds a bit insensitiv

Ahri: wat

Y/N: Like, u know how a fox can be like in heat, and hav mating seasons and stuff? 

Ahri: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no, im part kitsune, transition winter to spring is my time of da year

Y/N: Whats the diff

Ahri: Kitsune r cooler

Y/N: ok, so u keep hornymaxxin cuz ur in heat? 

Ahri: :3

Y/N: is that a yes or no

Ahri: :3

Y/N: uh oh

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