Chapter 13: Halloween prep

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Evie: Yeah, but like... Halloween isn't that far away. 

Y/N: Yeah? I don't know, I never have it planned out. Last couple years I didn't have any parties to go to, wait, Seraphine's...

Evie: Yeah... now you see. 

Y/N: Fuck yeah, Halloween party. Finally, my dreams come true! 

Halloween party coming up with my favorite girl. 

Well... is she my favorite? 

No clue, Evie could be. 

Evie: So, how's that ankle?

Y/N: Good, I just have to wear braces when I play, no big deal. I run a little slower with them, but it beats the chances of me fucking them each time I hit someone. 

Evie: Hmmm... alright. Well, darling, I care about you, all of the girls do and if you get hurt again... I'll punish you. 

Y/N: What kind of punishment? 

Evie: Not the good kind... I appreciate you fighting for your school, but I can't stand seeing you down in the dumps like you were.

Y/N: Eh, the get-well-soon sex was pretty good. 

Evie: And you'll never feel anything like it ever again... or for a while... or until next week... maybe tomorrow...

Y/N: Maybe today... maybe this hour...

Sera: *Light giggle* Maybe this second...

Y/N: SERA!!!

Sera wraps her arms behind me, nearly pushing me off the bench outside. 

Y/N: How did the club application go? 

Sera: Good, I was just finishing up some lyrics with Ahri in the waiting area.

Y/N: Oh, sick, you guys going to make a song?

Evie: That's the plan... let's hope this gets us on the board...

Y/N: Throw it on every social media. Wait, Evie, you're massive on social media, you got creepy model pages in your comments. 

Evie: True... I'll just push it as soon as we make it. 

Y/N: Yes, do that! And... if you need a graphic designer or a visual artist... I can help you with a video or a thumbnail in the future...

Sera: How much are your rates? 

Y/N: A few hugs and kisses...

Sera: That's fucking adorable...

Y/N: You're adorable. 

I pull Seraphine down for a kiss on the bench. 

I get a text from Dad. 

Dad: Off week, but that doesn't mean you can't come home Friday boy.

It's Friday, we have no game this week because we won by forfeit. 

I had an "optional" practice, but optional means mandatory in my head. 

I put my phone away and pick up my bags.

Sera: Awww... you gotta go? 

Y/N: Yeah, Dad needs me home, love you guys...

I kiss Sera, then I kiss Evie. 

I head back to my truck, loading up and heading out. 


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