"Oh, you know her! She has beautiful silver hair and such gorgeous eyes. She makes my stomach feel funny and I can't even look at her in the eye," Mae reveals as she closes her eyes and rests her head on the silky pillow next to her, "Have a guess yet?"

"I do not know who you are referring to," Daemon told her as he sat back in his chair, a smile on his face.

"Well let me tell you. It is Rhaenyraaa," Mae confessed in a sing song voice, "It has always been her. But I am begging you, do not tell her. Not yet. Until I find the courage to tell her."

"You do not have to worry about that, Your Grace. I think she knows," Daemon says as he gets up from his chair.

"Fuck, you mean somebody already told her?" Mae groaned, "I wanted to be the one to tell her."

Daemon's laughter bubbles up, echoing through the chamber. He tries to get Mae to stand up but she is not cooperating. Maekara's eyes widen in surprise, then she bursts into laughter, leaning on Daemon for support.

"Don't tell me that you know about my love for the Princess?" Mae asked.

"Know? It has been evident for quite some time," Daemon smirks, as they continue to make their way through the room to the dark hallways.

"I should've known you'd see right through me, Daemon. You always do," Mae whispers as Daemon looks ahead, "Promise me, you will not say anything to her."

"I won't breathe a word of it to Rhaenyra until you are ready. Your secret is safe with me."

Daemon, with a warm smile, steadies Maekara and guides her towards her bedchamber. In her drunken state, Maekara mumbles to herself, words slipping out unintentionally.

"Father... he'll be furious... for drinking so much...," Mae mumbles as her eyes flutter, sleep overtaking her as they got closer to her room. Daemon's curiosity is piqued, his brows furrowing at the mention of Maekara's father. He had been dead for a long time and it was certainly odd that she let it slip.

They reach Maekara's room, and Daemon guides her to her bed, ensuring she is comfortable.

"Rest well, Your Grace," Daemon says as Maekara nods, her eyelids heavy with sleep.

As she drifts off, Daemon lingers in the doorway, his mind consumed with questions about her past. The allure of discovering the secrets within the Queen's lineage becomes too strong. He decided right then that he would find out more.

Mae woke up and immediately ran to the window where she threw up the contents of her stomach. The bright light of the morning burned her eyes as she closed the curtains, and laid back down in her bed, her head pulsing.

She groaned at the pain as she hugged herself, trying to ignore the headache. As Mae lay there, her hands covering her face, Markus and Maegor strode in to check on her.

Maegor walked right over to the curtains, opening them, and announcing his arrival.

"Wake up, little sister!" Maegor loudly shouted by her bedside, as Markus walked over to the other side of the bed, making as much noise as possible.

"Abrar bē, se mīrī hen ao!" Mae mumbled, as she buried her face into the sheets, trying to drown out the sound. (Shut up, the both of you!)

"You have slept long enough, Your Grace," Markus told her as he pulled the blanket off of her. The queen still does not budge and the brothers share a look. Maegor looks over at Mae's desk where he spots multiple letters. The one that caught his attention was the one that had been opened.

Queen of the Dragons  [rhaenyra targaryen x fem oc]Where stories live. Discover now