Wait What?

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This is gonna be pure crack probably.

A male maybe about twenty rose from the waters near the triskelion. His hair was pitch black and his eyes a bright sea green. They swirled like the seas on a calm day. Enticing and kind.

"Triton!" he yelled. From the classroom in the triskelion Triton looked out the window. He cursed.

"Who is that?" Spider-Man asked getting ready for a fight.

"My brother, sadly," Triton sighed.

"I didn't know you had a brother," Spidey said.

"And I was hoping it would stay that way," Triton replied as he walked towards the new arrival. "Perseus, what are you doing here?"

"Dad wants you," Perseus stated.

"You had to be that dramatic for that simple message?"

"Well, I am the annoying younger brother am I not?"

"That you are, that you are."

Perseus grinned.

"Wait who exactly are you?" White Tiger asked.

"Perseus Jackson," Percy grinned at the same Triton said, "He's the latest pain in the butt in the last millennium."

"Wait, millennium. He looks the same age as you."

"Triton is much older. I mean by human standards he would be considered ancient. Younger than our father of course but much much older than me," Percy told her, "Also Tri, Dad wants you to resume your messenger duties.

"How old would he be exactly?" Agent Venom asked.

"Tri?" Percy asked.

"A few millennia," Triton sighed.

200 words of my weird mind. Here you go. Ultimate Spider-Man and Percy Jackson idea I had to write down but don't know how to finish. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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