Percy at a Swim Meet: Warm Ups (Part 1)

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Very accurate depiction of a swim meet in my state. I don't own Percy Jackson or the concept of Swim Meets. Also, just because Percy is a son of Poseidon doesn't mean he would naturally have perfect technique. Swimmers work years to build up a good technique. Yes, Percy would probably learn the technique faster but he wouldn't be perfect on his first try. Translations of swimmer lingo at the end. Most likely through memes for a few. If anyone can decipher the sets your my friend. 


P.S. I'm either distance, flyer, or a backstroker put your stroke in a comment if your a swimmer. 

"Do you have everything Perce?" Sally Jackson asked her son. 

"Yep! Cap, goggles, techsuit, warm up suit, extra cap, extra goggles, two towels, snacks, water, powerade, money, clothes, sweatshirt even though it's 90 degrees outside, sweatpants, sharpie, heat sheet, shampoo, conditioner, change of clothes, and a counter(1)," Percy replied. As he said the last one he pulled Annabeth towards him with his arm around her. 

"You do realize you aren't swimming the 1650 (2) until tonight right?" Annabeth asked her boyfriend. 

"Yes, but you're still cheering me on right?" 

"Yes, don't know why I do it though." 

"Because you love me." 

"I guess that's true. At least I have a hour of timing (3) to keep me busy." 

"Well we gotta get going then, we don't need to be late," Sally told the couple. 

The trio hopped into the car ready for the first preliminary/ final (4)meet of the season. On the first day Percy would be swimming the 200 fly (5)in the morning and the 1650 later that night. The second day Percy would swim the 200 back(6),100 breast(7) and an 800 mixed freestyle relay(8) in the morning and swim the 400 IM(9) later in the day. On the third day Percy was swimming the 200 breast, 200 free(10) with the 1000 free that night. The meet was 3 days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 

The two demigods and one very amazing mother hopped out at the pool 15 minutes early. Just in time for stretching. Percy wandered into the natatorium looking for his team's poster. His team wasn't necessarily big but it wasn't small either. 

Percy had joined a local swim team a few months after he got back from the Giant War. Luckily, the Mist was able to hide his scars so that Percy didn't look out of place in the midst of so many scarless teens. 

When Percy finally found the banner for his team he set his stuff down in the designated seating area and waited for the coach's to call for the group to stretch. 

15 minutes later and all of the 13&Os(11)  where in lanes for warm-up. 

"Do a three hundred choice swim when the clock reaches the  next top. Remember feet first don't dive," Coach Abby told her 3 lanes of swimmers. 

Percy was first in his lane followed by his teammates, Jack, Mariam, Hayden, Layla. The next two lanes each had 5 swimmers, while the 2 lanes of 13-14 swimmers had at least 7 swimmers each. The last 3 lanes had a second team. 

The whole pool had a bulkhead in the middle so two more teams were on the other side of the bulk heads which were about 1 or 2 meters apart. A couple more teams were warming up on the other side of the bulkhead.

In total the whole pool was fifty meters, but the teams would be swimming in a twenty-five yard pool. 

Once, the clock reached the 30 minute mark Percy jumped in and started his swim followed by Jack five seconds after Percy, then Mariam five seconds after Jack. Hayden five seconds after Mariam, and Layla five seconds after Hayden. 

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