The Kidnapping of Peter Parker and a Very Badly Timed Field Trip

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Warning: No descriptions of violence but there are some descriptions of wounds.

Once again I don't own Marvel and am still very poor.


It had been 2 months since their best friend went missing.

2 months since Spider-Man was seen.

2 months since Peter Parker came to school.

So, when Ned got the text from Iron Man that said, 'we found him' he practically jumped out of his seat. He turned to MJ to show her the text when a new one came through '1 week mission so we can run recon and get him out with least amount of trouble.' Ned showed the text to MJ before the teacher said, "Mr. Leeds care to show the class what has you so excited."

MJ the one who never shows her emotions was almost tearing up, from the sheer happiness of finding Peter.

"No, sir not particularly," Ned said, he had been snappier since Peter went missing. He didn't do Legos just piled them up so he and Peter could do them together. He was a shadow of his former self. MJ had also become snappier and more sarcastic. She had withdrawn from the world once more.

"If you don't care to show us then hand over your phone and I will share," Mr. Knight said.

"Hmm lets see, two texts from 'Iron Man' that say, 'we found him' and '1 week mission so we can run recon and get him out with the least amount of trouble.' Mr. Leeds care to explain why supposedly Iron Man is texting you and who is this he?" Mr. Knight stressed the words Iron Man and him. No one knew Peter Parker had been kidnapped. The teachers thought he was sick, because his aunt had been calling in for him each day, claiming he was sick.

"It's Peter, sir," Ned said

"Oh, really because last I checked Peter Parker was out sick."

"Peter has been kidnapped because he is close to Tony Stark, but Mr. Stark didn't want the media to know, so it was kept on the downlow."

"We will see about that Mr. Leeds. Class while Mr. Leeds is telling this lie it seems like a convenient time to say that we will be going on a field trip to SI in a week.

On the news the next day the Avengers were shown leaving Avengers Tower on a Quinjet. Tony Stark looked frantic and was crying tears of relief. Natasha Romanoff was almost the same way, while the others looked like they had been given hope but were fearful that it wasn't going to lead them to what they were looking for.

'Breaking News:' TV screens all over New York read.

"It has just been witnessed the Avengers hurriedly leaving Avengers Tower. They have never moved this fast, yet this time seems to be different they seem to be looking for someone. It was reported 2 months ago the Avengers were calling out for someone named Peter and were also looking for Spider-Man," The news reporter said.

1-week later Ned and MJ were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their best friend, as they loaded onto the bus that would take them to Stark Tower. The 40-minute drive seemed to take hours because of their nerves. When they finally arrived a tour guide was waiting for them outside the front entrance with boxes of badges for each student. She explained the badge levels before letting the students into the building and leading them through the scanners. Everything went normal until Ned and MJ went through, "EDWARD 'NED' LEEDS LEVEL: BLACK 1. NO WEAPONS DETECTED. BOSS IS ON HIS WAY WITH THE MINI STARK AND THE REST OF THE TEAM," and "MICHELLE 'MJ' JONES-WATSON LEVEL: BLACK 1 NO WEAPONS DETECTED. BOSS WOULD LIKE ME TO TELL YOU THAT HE IS SCARED FOR WHEN YOU PEPPER AND THE SPIDER MOM MET AT THE SAME TIME TO RAMPAGE THE GUY WHO HURT PETER"

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