Chapter Sixty- Eight. Lonely

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Even though he'd become so quiet, nothing like the guy who used to either amaze or bore the hell out of them with all the facts and details about everything that he'd stored in his intelligent brain, the young men were glad to have him back with them. Namjoon was a part of them, and without him, they were even more incomplete after Jin had left them.

Namjoon still liked to hang around in his bedroom alone, away from the rest of them, but at least he wasn't hearing voices or hallucinating about Jin coming back to talk with him, as they thought he did. The therapists said that he still needed to take pills regularly for a long time though he'd been discharged, as he'd a tendency of starting to see things again when he didn't take them regularly.

So far so good. Namjoon had taken his pills without even a sign of protest since they brought him home last night. The men believed that with time, he'd return back to a normal life again. Maybe he'd finally heal from Jin's death, start dating someone who made him happy and settle down for life. They knew that that was what Jin would want.

Little did they know that Namjoon didn't want anyone else but Jin. There wasn't anyone who could compare to him. Nobody could make him happy like he did. Nobody could make his heart flutter like he did. If he couldn't have Jin, he'd have nobody else.

They were yet to find this out.

Unaware that this happiness of theirs was short-lived, they started talking about what they should do first, and about how they could to make up for their distance in the past with a holiday for a day or two together.

"Let's go to our beach!" Jungkook suggested.

"Beach?!" "Bitch?!" Taehyung and Jimin said at the same time and then looked at each other, giggling as they remembered something from the past.

"Yeah, let's start over again by going to the place where we had our first holiday together as seven," Yoongi said, smiling softly.

"I still can't forget how Tae and Jungkookie conspired against Minnie and threw him in the sea," Hoseok said with a chuckle, eyes bright as he reminisced the memory. "And Yoongi hyung was chasing Tae, and Minnie was chasing Kook, and Jin hyung, Joon and I were laughing our asses off."

"That was one time," Yoongi chuckled as the rest laughed, none minding the fact about how they used to bully one another. They still did, but there were changes.

Jimin didn't do anything but roll his eyes and scoff as he jabbed Jungkook in the ribs when he said, "I've still got the video, you know."

Finally, when everyone had stopped reminding one another their first holiday memories as seven friends, Taehyung brought the subject about a holiday again. "So, should we go?"


Namjoon stared out of the window of his bedroom as he sat next to it, ignoring the cold wind that blew in his face, the chilly air prickling his tanned skin as he watched the people, dressed in winter clothes, walk down the street.

He remembered everytime of the years in the past when he and Jin would walk hand-in-hand down this same road, go to their old park, that'd still stayed the same as it did from the time their love blossomed. Whether it was summer, or autumn, or winter, or spring, or just another rainy day.

They'd always go there in the evenings when they were free, swing in the swings of the park next to one another no matter how much older and bigger they were from the first time they fell in love. Their favorite place remained the same like their feelings did.

What happened to all those times they'd swing and talk about getting married and having kids?

Namjoon remembered one time when they were at the park once, and a cute little girl who came to ask him and Jin if she could draw them together. They'd gladly sat there with their arms around one another on a bench, big smiles on their faces to encourage the little girl.

Don't Leave Me Behind || Namjin AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang