Dragon Kings and Queens

Start from the beginning

"He told me that this way would be good for Princess Rhaenyra," Mae watched as Maegor's face softens and Maxine no longer wears the face of anger.

"That Rhaenyra is in danger and betrothing our houses gives us an excuse to be all together should it be that people push for Aegon to be on the throne. I told him about the boys and how they are quite literally being targeted in their own home."

"And he truly meant it?" Maegor questioned as he ran a hand through his pale hair.

"He did. He also told me that the Greens will stop at nothing to put Aegon on the throne. They think Prince Jacaerys is not suited to sit on it after Rhaenyra," Mae admitted as she looked away from them.

"Prince Daemon is right," Maxine told her, "These children will never be safe."

"I don't understand," Maegor says, "Jacaerys and Lucerys are innocent children."

"Which is exactly why I agreed with Daemon. I do not want to see Rhaenyra and her boys deprived of their birthrights," Mae sighed.

"Then we will make sure Princess Rhaenyra sits that throne," Maxine affirms, turning to Maegor who confidently nodded, "As well as Prince Jacaerys."

"And we support the betrothal with Maegon and Baela," Maegor says, "We trust you."

"Thank you, brother," Mae sits back down on the bed, Her face looked like she was about to burst into tears. Maegor and Maxine share a look as she goes up to Mae to talk to her.

"What is on your mind?" Maxine questioned as she turned her sister around to look at her.

"I am just worried for Rhaenyra," Mae confessed as she held back tears, "I fear for her and the children."

"They will be okay," Maxine reassured her as she grabs her face, looking at her in the eye, "We will ensure Rhaenyra sits the throne. No one will get in our way because we are the blood of the dragon."

Her House words echoed in her head as she took it all in.

"Blood of the dragon," Mae whispers as she lets out  a heavy sigh.

"Exactly," Maxine says as she turns back around to leave the room with Maegor, "We will be in our chambers with Steffon and Jaeron if you need us, sister."

Mae sits on the bed, facing away from the door, a million thoughts running through her head.

They open the door and are startled by someone.

"She is in there," Maxine tells the person as the door closes. Mae does not hear anything but the silent steps of someone getting closer.

The footsteps stop as Mae lets out a heavy sigh, feeling terribly stressed and exhausted. She feels someone sit next to her and the sweet voice of her Rhaenyra fills her ears.

"Are you all right?" Rhaenyra softly asks as she grabs Mae's chin to force eye contact. The queen shyly looks away, after all these years still not being able to hold eye contact with the Princess.

"I am okay," Mae says as she looks down at the ground at her dirty boots.

"I know when you are lying to me, Your Grace," Rhaenyra playfully smiles as she grabs Mae's hand, squeezing it in comfort, "Talk to me."

"I am just tired," Mae admits as she runs a hand through her curls, "And do not be mad at me but I did something to ensure your safety as well as the future of House Targaryen and Maltheon."

"My safety?" Rhaenyra quirks a brow. She watched Mae's face turn into that of a concerned one, "Would you like to tell me what it is that you did, Maekara?"

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