The tall figure

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I Hate it here, Germany. Just angry drunk men and words I don't understand. Ever since the last incident in England my parents just won't trust me anymore, they say I need a fresh start exept I can't start over at 19, would be different if I was a child. Not only that but also living alone. My old art teacher knew German, but that didn't help.

I had no friends here or outside of the country and that made me feel really lonley. I was the kind of person that could simply not live alone. But that was my fault. So moving here really wasn't  the easiest for me.  Since last year when i relapsed, the world was just coloured in black in white.

I took the train with all my bags and arrived to my apartment. I walked up to the top where my apartment was, I ran inside to see a pretty big place and that made this a little bit better. I laid down on the cold floor and sighed.

He used to talk about Germany a little bit, so I thought it would be like he said, but this town was small and not well known. The time was around 9pm so I walked down the many stairs into the central of the town. I was too tired to walk far so I just sat down at a cafe, I was surprised that the place was still open buti was relieved. I didn't have a job yet therefor I knew I needed to find one to survive and not live off the small amount of money that my parents gave me. Two tall men sat across the street talking and smoking. It was really empty at the street but they were awake. I finished drinking my coffee and walked up the cashier to give them my tip. I asked the guy in the counter if they were hiring but the guy shook his head. I sighed and was about to turn around when I heard s foot steps behind me, I turned around to a tall man having his cold hand on my shoulder. It was one of the guy that was smoking around the street before . He had black braids and a headband, I looked down and he had baggy Jeans and then up, brown eyes. I didn't say anything, just looking at him confused waiting for him to say something.

"Im hiring" he said

"Oh and what's your name? And what kind of job is it" I answered

"You'll paint for me, I'm Tom and this is my brother Bill"

"Oh how did you know I could paint Tom?"

"Don't worry about it" he said and handed me a paper with his number on it.

They walked away and I just stood there. I was surprised at how they approached me and acted like they owned the whole town, but I was in need for a job and didn't want to seem rude..

The next day I woke up pretty late at 1pm, my body was still tired but I knew I had to call this strange man so I could get a job. I took out my phone and doled his number. I heard three long beeps until someone picked up the phone. It was not the man but more of a woman's light voice.

"Hello" said the woman

"Uh I got this number from Tom I think his name was, he said he was hiring?"

"Of course I'll call over Tom"

It was quiet for a while. How unprofessional was this? It felt like I was getting hired from a child

"Hi it's Tom, sorry for the wait but I recommend you to come to my workplace instead so we can talk here."

I was hesitant. I sighed and opened my mouth

"Sure I'll be there but I don't have a car so how do you want me to come there?"

The man laughed a little

"I'll pick you up" he said without hesitation

I was about to answer him but he hung up. Now I was sure this was a prank, the man didn't even ask for my address? I put my phone down and went into my room to change. I took out some clothes from my drawer and started to put on my pants. I was almost done when I heard a knock on my door. I jumped to the sound of the sudden knock and then also got a bit scared. I got shivers thinking it was Tom, and if it was him how the fuck did he get my address. I walked slowly out of my room and to the apartment door. I was a little shaken and reached for the doorknob. I opened it and there he was. The tall muscular figure standing right in front of me.

I looked up deep into his dark eyes, he was so majestic in a way. I was speechless and scared. He did a small smirk while his lip piercing glowing as the sun hit it. I was about to ask him how he got my address but he stopped me and said

"Come on, we have work to do" while smirking and showing with his body language to come outside of my apartment.

I was tempted and stood back. He looked at me confused while standing in the doorway. I sighed, gave a gently smile and walked out. The hallway was small and I was so close to touching his torso while I walked out. He suddenly grabbed my waist as he was guiding me back so I could be behind him and follow him to the car. I was startled by it but didn't say anything. He smirked and went before me. He started to walk down the stairs. I followed him down the stairs and to the road. The time was around 2pm by now. He went down the road to a black racer car. The car was shining black with tinted windows so I couldn't see inside of it. I was surprised at how rich he was, or at least what I thought because the car was really fancy and looked brand new. He walked over to the passenger seat and opened it "come inside" he said politely, I smiled and walked over and sat down. He closed the door and walked over to the other side and sat down.

"So where will you take me?" I said while looking outside of the window

"He smirked and said , my home actually" he said in his german accent.

A painter's game - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now