"Aren't you happy?"- She taunted me; her voice laced with venom as well her eyes, "You must be so happy that your husband lying on death bed because of you.."

"What? For me?"- I couldn't leave me from responding her, what wrong with this woman?

"Yes! You are, you are the reason, My liitle boy is now in the operation teature fighting for his life, you are the one who messed up with the laptop that day, didn't you?"- Her voice touched the ceiling.

My feet shook, as the realization hit me, yes! I was the one who share that information with one of the investor, but my intention was never to hurt anyone.

I looked at her with furrowed expression, "How did you know?"- My voice came out as mare whisper.

She smiled, "Oh! I was there when you are trespassing into his office cabin, I immediately went to the boss to give the information about you, but you know what he said,

'Let her do, what she want. Even if she wants me to kill right now. I will accept this with open heart, I will do anything to earn her forgiveness, even if it means I have to die. (Taehyung's word)'- she completed her sentence what he told her at that night.

I slipped on the floor, looking at nothing, as she again shared some more information which I really didn't want to hear more, " And because of you, Alphs has died too. You are the reason for his death and now Taehyung also ... Go, enjoy your victory, what did Alphs do to you that you killed him."- she blamed me for killing a human, and here I kept remained silent since I have nothing to defend myself, she left the hall crying, leaving me there sick, drained.

'No.'- a mere whisper left from my eyes, I may be wanted to hamper their little empire but I can be the reason because of someone's death. No. I can't, I can never do this.

I got up from the floor, and rushed to the elevator, Roy was already there, "Please take me there.."- I requested him, fear clogged my mind, and my hands were shaking as well as my legs. He furrowed his eyebrows, as if I asked something unexpected.

"Take me to the hospital..."- I ordered him, as he immediately scan his id card and the door of elevator opened and I jumped inside. There was every facility in this penthouse, from play ground to hospital, everything.

The elevator door opened, I stepped outside, my eyes fell on a familiar figure, I ran towards him, Namjoon hyung was standing outside the operation theater, and as I reached there, doctors came outside, my heart jumped, I stopped my track there, as I heard there conversation, "The hit on his head is quite serious, we have managed to stop the bleeding  but he lost huge amount of blood in between of times, we also removed the bullet and luckily it didn't pass through his heart, but there is a chance of brain hemorrhage due to huge blood loss. Chances are really slim for now.

Ruthless Love ( Taehyung 21+ )Where stories live. Discover now