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-Zeldoris' POV-

I knocked on Gelda's door and she immediately opened.

"What're you doing here?" She asked, glaring at me. I looked down at the floor, saying "I... um... I want to make it up to you. That I haven't had much time to be with you."

She stayed quiet, still glaring at me as I looked up at her.

"Just... come with me?"

"Fine, but I will leave immediately if I don't like it." She said, making me nod and smile. I was nervous, really nervous.

I lead her outside to a balcony outside. Then I swiftly picked her up and went flying to a hidden part of the roof.

"No one will see us here." I mumbled to Gelda, landing and putting her down on the roof. I sat down on the blanket and she just looked at the food that was put down.

"Let's eat together. I have been too busy to even have a meal today, so I want to have my meal with you."

"But you know I-"

"I know, I know. I specifically asked the chefs to make something that you could eat. So just dig in. You must be exhausted too." I told her, watching her sit down. She smiled and said "Thank you Zel."

I smiled at my nickname, she's not angry at me anymore. That's good. Now to the apologizing.

"Gelda, I'm so sorry that I haven't had much time with you. I never realized how much Meliodas did until I took his place and now I just have no time at all. As soon as Meliodas is back, I promise I will spend more time with you. I will be with you every day at every chance I get."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, saying "Thank you Zel."

"Also... I know I'm telling you this very, very late now... I wanted it to be a surprise, but I want to tell you now when I have time."

"What is it?" She asked. I smiled, saying "I sent Meliodas a letter long ago, I told him about us... So when he comes back, I hope he will support us and bless us when he becomes king."

"Zel... no..."


"You don't even know your brother. Why would he accept us being together? He's known to be the most ruthless demon in existence apart from the demon king. Everyone fears him. He won't accept our relationship. He will tell your father and... and..."

"Gelda... I trust him. He's my brother, he must feel something towards me, right?"

"Zeldoris, even you fear him! You can't even talk with him without having a nervous breakdown! What makes you think he will accept us?!"

"Well... I... He..."

"What Zeldoris?! What?!"

"Ummm, I don't know..."

"Because he won't! You just wish he does, but that doesn't mean he will! Our relationship will be over the day he comes back..."

She was crying at this point, making me go closer and hug her.

"I'm so sorry... I should have thought about this further..."

-Elizabeth's POV-

Meriodasu was laying on my lap, completely exhausted. We have been in three battlefeilds in the course of a few days.

I haven't even had any time to see the enemy as Meriodasu killed them faster. He was always just protecting me, he always made sure to kill all the demons in sight before they could even look at me.

I feel so worthless to not even contribute in fighting, but if not for Meriodasu, I would surely be dead already. I'm not ready for the battlefield, I'm still too weak.


"Yes Meriodasu?"


"I will... I will in a little while."

"Great." He replied, stretching a little and then turning to lay on his other side. His head once again laying on my lap. I touched his hair, playing with it a little. He hummed, snuggling into my lap even more.

I smiled down at him, thinking of everything he does for me. He may not always be affectionate, but I can still see that he cares a lot about me. He protects me and makes sure I'm alright, making sure I take care of myself.

He has been pretty affectionate lately though. Cuddling more, talking more, even... even telling me he loves me.

I will never forget the time he said he loves me. It will always be one of the happiest moments in my life.

"Elizabeth, I told you to sleep."

I giggled, saying "I will go to sleep now Meriodasu, don't worry."

-Diane's POV-

"Ahhhh! I can't believe she takes his side over mine! He's just short lived human!"

I watched Harlequin fly around in circles, venting about his problems with me.


"Yes Diane?" He asked, stopping to look at me. I smiled at him and said "I don't like Ban very much either, but that doesn't mean that she can't. Elaine loves him so much and he clearly takes good care of her, why can't they be together?"

He kept quiet a second, thinking a little. Then he said "But Ban is a bad influence on her. I don't like how close they are."

"Elaine can make her own choices, can she not? Harlequin, you have to give Elaine a little freedom."

"Diane, have you heard about what happened with Gerheade when the first fairy king ruled this forest?"


He sighed,  turning away from me while saying "You see, long ago, when Fairy King Gloxinia ruled, Gerheade was just like Elaine. She was naive and happy, but the difference was that her brother didn't look out for her enough. He trusted the wrong people."

Harlequin looked down, saying "She fell in love with a human too, just like Elaine. Everyone trusted those humans, Gloxinia, Gerheade, so many more too... But in the end, they stabbed us in the back. They killed hundreds of fairies, giants and nearly took Gerhaede's life. That's the reason her wings are broken and her one eye covered."

He turned to me, saying "I don't want, I can't, let that happen to Elaine. I can't let history repeat itself. So please understand why I don't like the two of them together."

I nodded, saying "I do, it sounds horrible... but you have to trust Elaine's judgement of Ban. She's dating him. She is the one who knows him."

"But does she really?"

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