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-Elizabeth's POV-

I walked into my dorm to see Mael sitting in the couch, reading until he heard me entering.

"You're back early."

Nodding, I mumbled "I'm a little tired, can we please talk tomorrow?"

"You have to stop sneaking out like that. You worry me."

"I can take care of mysel-"

"What's that?"


"On your arm?" Mael asked, walking up and grabbing my arm, looking at the scratch I got from the arrow that came too close. I forgot to heal it... I just thought about Meriodasu's injury...

"Meriodasu and I got attacked..."


"But it's fine. Meriodasu took care of him quite quickly. He saved me."

"Elizabeth, you do understand that after this, I really can't let you go out alone. What if-"

"Mael, Meriodasu is as strong as you. He protected me today, he used his own body to shield me once. I'm safe with him."

He sighed, saying "I don't trust him, Elizabeth. I don't want you to go out alone with him again."

"You can't stop me. He is teaching me and mother was very pleased with my progression. I'm sure she would replace you with Meriodasu if I asked, don't make me actually do it."


"No. That's enough."

"Fine. I'm going to bed." He said, walking into his room without another word. With a sigh, I looked at the small cut I got from the fight and quickly healed it before I would forget.

I then went to my room, wanting some rest. I just couldn't stop thinking about the fight. How he pushed me away to save me, how he took an arrow for me, everything...

Now laying in bed, I just stared up at the ceiling, feeling mg heart beating hard as I thought about Meriodasu. He just makes me so happy. He's really an amazing friend.

It was hard to stop thinking about Meriodasu, but after a while, I finally fell asleep.

. . . . .

I woke up to loud knocking on my door, which never happened since Mael knocks gently...

Getting up, I walked over to the door and opened just for Meriodasu to walk in and sit in my bed.

"So this is how your room looks like? It's so... bright..."

"What're you doing here Meriodasu? It's earl-"

"You did not come to the first class today, I had very boring when I couldn't make fun of you." He said, bouncing up and down in my bed, feeling how soft it was.

"Your bed is very soft..."

It took a few seconds for me to comprehend what he said because of my sleepiness. When I finally realized, I asked "I missed first class?! What time is it?!"

"Lunch break starts in like 20 minutes." Meriodasu said and laid down in my bed with his arms spread out over it.

"Get out! I have to change clothes an-"

"I can stay."

I looked at him in disbelief, saying "That wasn't a question, I want you to get out so I can dress!"

"I can just look away from you."

"Meriodasu, we both know you wouldn't look away! You wouldn't even try to hide your star-"

"Fine, fine, I'm going." He said, getting up from my bed and walking towards the door, but stopping right before to say "I would have looked away if you asked me to."

Then he walked out without another word. I shrugged it off and changed clothes. When I was done with making myself completely ready, I came out of my room to see Meriodasu asleep in the couch.

I quietly walked up to him, about to try to wake him up when I suddenly stopped. He was actually... pretty cute...

"Meriodasu..." I said, shaking him a little to wake him up, which worked.

"You fell asleep..."

"You took so long, I couldn't help myself." He said, getting up immediately. I giggled, saying "You looked so peaceful while sleeping."

"Did not. I look scary and horrifying all the time." He replied back, walking to the door and saying "Now let's get lunch. I'm starving."

"Sure." I said, smiling as I followed him out.

It was just something missing... Mael...

As we were on our way to the lunch, I asked "Do you happen to know where Mael is?"

"Ah, he said something about you being able to take care of yourself or something, so left the school or something." Meriodasu said nonchalantly. I sighed, looking down at my feet.

Maybe I hurt him after the fight last night... Was I too harsh? Did I... lose him too now? Completely?

Meriodasu suddenly stopped, making me accidentally walk into him. He turned around, taking my hands in his and asked "What's bothering you?"

I felt my cheeks getting hotter as I mumbled "Nothing..."

"Talk to me." He argued, brushing some of my hair behind my ear. I just know my face was red as a tomato when I said "I don't want to talk about it now."

My heart was just beating so fast and I just felt him making me so happy again. I at least have him... and he would never leave me, right?"

He shrugged everything off and led me to the cafeteria, never letting go of my hand before we had to take our food.

I don't understand these feelings I'm having towards Meriodasu. It's him and only him I ever had these feelings for...

He's just so kind, but also rude. Of course, he's funny and caring when he wants to... It feels like I'm getting to know an emotional side that no one else have ever seen of him before...

I don't understand why it's just me, or if I'm maybe the only one making it seem emotional, but after last night... something changed and I hope it stays this way between us...


"Hmmm?" He responded, not even looking back at me as we sat down at a table.

"You would never leave me, would you?"

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