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-Meliodas' POV-

I buried my face in Elizabeth's hair, taking in her scent. She was asleep by now, to my luck. I wish I didn't have to lie to her... She knows I'm a demon, she's here in my room and I still am forced to lie to her...

Getting up from bed, I carefully grabbed Elizabeth's wrist and chained it to the bed. I then put on my vest and walked out of the room.

Zeldoris stood outside, leaning against the wall as he waited for me.

"A goddess..."

"A vampire!" I spat back, knowing exactly where he was going with this. He sighed, saying "You better make sure father doesn't get to know we captured her... or she will be dead."

"You tell anyone and your vampire girlfriend is also dead."

"I'm not planning on telling. Don't worry."

"Good." I said, starting to walk towards the throne room. He walked after, saying "He will find out sooner or later."

"Same goes for you, now shut up before anyone hears us."

"No one is here, no one will hear us. So what will you do when he finds out?"

"I will protect her."

"You can't. He's stronger than both of us together." I stopped walking, turning around to Zeldoris and asking "What do you propose I do then, my dear brother?"

He backed a step, saying "Well... um... I-I was wondering... D-Do you really like her? S-she's just a goddess a-after all."

I slapped him hard, asking "Do you really believe I would order you to get her here unharmed in secret if I didn't love her? Do you really think I would go through all this for nothing?!"

"N-no, I... I'm sorry, I-I wasn't thinking. I mean, she's just a-a goddess, I would never believe you w-would care for-"

I slapped him again, saying "Don't you ever say she's just a goddess again! Don't even mention her unless it's necessary!"

"Yes, brother..."

"Now get going! Father is waiting."

He nodded and we continued walking towards the throne room.

. . . . .

We stood in front of father and I asked "Why do you want us here at this time?"

"Since you're back Meliodas, I need you to take over the commandments again."

I nodded and he spoke again "Now then Meliodas, you can go. Zeldoris, I want to speak to you alone."

With a nod, I walked out of the throne room. Great, I can go back to Elizabeth way faster than I planned...

I opened the door to my room, only to see Elizabeth awake "Why aren't you asleep?"

She looked at me, saying "I woke up... and you weren't here. So I decided to wait for you."

I smiled, saying "You should sleep. I want to make sure you're alright here."

Nodding, she got back into the bed and said "Please don't leave me without saying then..."

I nodded as I went into bed with her, saying "If that makes you happy, I will."

"Thank you." She whispered, staring into my eyes. Staring back, I asked "Something wrong?"

"No... I'm just not used to your mark..."

"You want me to turn it off?"

"I- umm- if... if you don't mind, then I-I would like you to..."

I chuckled, turning it off for her "You can just ask. You don't have to be so shy about it."


"No buts, now get some sleep. I'm tired." I spoke. She nodded and closed her eyes, trying to sleep.

-Zeldoris' POV-

"What is it father?"

"I want you to look after your brother, you will report everything back to me."

"Look after Meliodas? Why?"

He sighed, saying "I want to know if he's doing anything suspicious. We can't afford to loose him in this war."

"Suspicious? What do you mean? He's the same he always be-"

"Quiet! I want you to report back to me every time Meliodas does anything unusual that won't benefit us in the war! No complaints!"

"Yes father, I understand... I'm just wondering, why would you be interested in Meliodas all of a sudd-"

"Zeldoris, just do what I tell you to! Unless you want your little Vampire maid to suffer."

"Gelda- How did you even know about her father?!" I asked, immediately worried about her. He laughed, saying "You thought you could hide her from me? I know everything happening here, Zeldoris. Now get going, I don't want to see your face anymore."

I nodded, quickly walking out. I have to find Gelda...

-Mael's POV-

I stopped punching the tree when immense pain was finally felt. My hands were bloody and scratched, but I could heal it quickly.

I wish I could heal my anger as quickly too...

That demon fled and kidnapped Elizabeth on top of that... I can't even think of how badly Elizabeth is being treated now...

Why weren't I with her? I should have been. I'm her bodyguard and best friend, I should have been there to protect her.

Now she's gone and suffering...

"Mael, don't hurt yourself like this." Jelamet spoke, walking up to me. She took my hands in hers, saying "It's not your fault."

"You were with her... why didn't you protect her?" I said, feeling slightly angry at her. She's strong enough to protect Elizabeth. If she had protected her, then Elizabeth would be here.

"I was helping trying to get catch the demon and other prisoners. I couldn't protect her."

"Sure. Just leave me be."

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