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-Meliodas' POV-

"Meriodasu?" I heard as I woke up. I was breathing unevenly and my eyes was blurry, but I didn't feel anything on my cheeks.

I quickly got up and hugged Elizabeth tightly. I buried my face into her warm neck.

"What's wrong Meriodasu?"

"I... I thought you died. It was so realistic." I mumbled, feeling her arms softly go around me. I don't want her to die, I like her too much... I... I love her. I care about her too much, there's no other explanation. That's what I have been feeling towards her all this time. Love. I just love her so unbelievably much.

"I..." It felt like the words was caught in my throat, but I finally got it out eventually "I love you. I really do. So don't die now on the fighting ground, okay?! I can't take that. I don't want to take that."

"Meriodasu... I will try to." She whispered, kissing the top of my head. I pulled away, looking into her eyes "I will protect you, always. I won't let you out of my sight, not even out of my reach."

She smiled, her hand caressing my cheek. I leaned closer to her, very close. My eyes just naturally closed as I felt her lips against mine.

I pulled her body closer, feeling her arms slip around my neck and into my not so tangly hair. Once we pulled away, I laid my head on her shoulder again.

"I really care about you. So much."

"I do too. I really care about you Meriodasu. I love you too."

I smiled, relaxing in her embrace.

. . . . .

The supreme deity was talking, but I didn't care enough to listen. I looked around the white castle. I moved closer to Elizabeth, saying "I need some fresh air. I'm back in a few minutes."

She nodded, saying "I will be waiting here for you."

Nodding back, I started pushing through the crowd to get outside. I really should speak with father before I go, but where could I possibly do that? It takes time to switch out goddess miasma with demon miasma. Time that I simply don't have.

It was too long ago that I stayed in this castle, so there is simply no way my miasma is still left. I have to get back to my dorm...

I looked at the sun. We were leaving in the sunset I think, so I have to hurry...

. . . . .

I was pacing back and forth. I have contacted father, so he should be here to talk whenever now. For once, I would go against father, I have to, so I was in fear of what will happen now.

I saw black form in the ceiling and I immediately bowed down to father.

"Hello father."

"Meliodas, any information?"

"I will be leaving to join the battle field very soon."

"Hmm, that's good my son. You can kill goddesses without suspicion there if you're careful."

Nodding, I just stared at the ground before looking up at the black hole in my ceiling "I can, but I won't."

"What do you mean you won't?!"

I stood up, saying "I don't want to do this mission anymore. There is goddesses that are good, that care about the demons! I don't want to participate in this war anymore!"

Something was felt around my throat and I suddenly couldn't breathe as I was lifted up from the ground. Immense pain went through my body and I wanted to scream in agony.

"Listen to me boy, you will do exactly what I tell you to or I will make sure you suffer the consequences!"

I fell down to the ground, panting after air as the darkness disappeared. I held in my throat, and punched the floor with my other hand.

"Damn it!" I yelled. That went worse than I imagined. Sure, I knew he would hate the idea, but I never thought he would actually hurt me. I'm his son after all, his best warrior on top of that.

I got up from the floor, walking towards the door and getting out of my dorm. I have to get back as soon as possible.

. . . . .

I was looking for Elizabeth. By the time I was back at the castle, everyone had already left, which meant I had to go to the Fairy King's forest alone.

Not that I minded going alone, but this makes it harder to find Elizabeth with how big the forest is.

"Hey, do you know where princess Elizabeth is?"

"I think in the north part of the forest."

I nodded, quickly flying up, but instead, I saw someone familiar. A brown haired giant. Elizabeth is probably with her.

Flying down there, I saw Elizabeth, Elaine and Diane talking.

"Hello girls." I greeted, flying to Elizabeth's side and sitting down beside her. She smiled at me, laying her head on my shoulder and asking "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I went back to my dorm to get something... but I didn't find it."

"What did you need?"

"Nothing important. So what're you talking about?"

"Boyfriends." Elizabeth said, smiling. I hummed, asking "So what have Elizabeth said about me?"

"Secret." Elaine said as everyone giggled. Getting confused, I asked "Is it something bad?"

"No, no, Meriodasu. Just girls talk, you don't get to know." Elizabeth said, sitting up straight again. I shrugged it off, only to be asked by Diane "It's girl times now, so can you go and hang out with the boys?"

"But I like hanging out with pretty girls."

"Meriodasu, just go." Elizabeth said, making me sigh and say "Fineeee, I will see you tonight."

With that, I flew away. Elizabeth has more friends here, unlike in the goddess realm... She will be wanting more alone time, so better trying to get to know these 'boys'.

Who were they talking about even? Guess I can just look around the forest then...

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