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-Elizabeth's POV-

I looked over at Meriodasu. He was still asleep. It was so nice to find him cuddled up with me when I woke up... I would never expect that from him, so it was a little surprising.

I wish he would do things like that more often...

Hearing groaning, I saw Meriodasu move to lay with his back towards me. Giggling, I said "Time to wake up Meriodasu. We need to get home soon."

"Later. I need more sleep."

"You're very tired today..."

He hummed, getting back to sleep, but I just grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet, whether he wanted to or not.

"Come now. You can sleep later."

He groaned, leaning towards me "I'm sleepy."

Before I knew it, his face was in my boobs and he was snoring slightly. I just sighed, softly putting him back down on the ground to sleep.

Camping under the stars are alright, but I like my bed a little more, even with Meriodasu hugging me in his sleep.

I just sat down, deciding to just wait for Meriodasu to sleep. I wonder what he did to become so tired... He must have been up late last night...

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" I heard someone yell as stomping came closer. I watched as Diane arrived at me, kneeling down beside me and Meriodasu.

"Hi Diane."

"I heard you were leaving today. You're coming back someday, right? RIGHT?!"

Meriodasu suddenly shot up at the sudden yell, standing in a protective position in front of me, asking "Who're you?!"

I giggled, pulling Meriodasu down to sit beside me "This is Diane, my new friend."

"You must be Meriodasu! I'm happy to meet you! I have heard so much about you from Elizabeth!"

Meriodasu immediately seemed interested, asking "What did Elizabeth say about me? Did she tell you how handsome and strong I am?"

"Meriodasu!" I giggled, lightly hitting his shoulder. He pulled his arm around me, pulling me close and whispering "I know you told her that. You just can't resist me, you just wanna brag about me being yours."

I blushed, looking away "Meriodasu... t-that's not- I-I mean, I wouldn't ever- I-"

"What're you two talking about?" Diane asked. I sighed, saying "Nothing, just Meriodasu teasing me. What're you doing here now again?"

"Right, when are you leaving? You're coming back here someday, right?"

I smiled at her, saying "Of course I am. Meriodasu and I are leaving pretty much now though. I was just waiting for Meriodasu to sleep."

She nodded, saying "I will miss you so, so much."

"I will miss you too Diane. Do you wanna come with us to say goodbye to the fairy king and princess?"

"Yes, of course."

. . . . .

"I will miss Diane and Elaine..." I mumbled to Meriodasu as he was flying a little in front of me, holding my hand as I flew close to him.

"Hmmm." Meriodasu hummed, making me ask "Something wrong?"


"Are you sure?"


I turned to fly upside down, flying under Meriodasu and hugging him. He suddenly stopped flying, not doing anything in a few seconds before hugging me back and laying his head on my shoulder.

"We're a couple, you're supposed to talk to me about everything."

He kept quiet, just hugging me tightly as we just floated in the air. Then he suddenly let go, saying "We should go back before it darkens."

I nodded, watching Meriodasu quickly fly off as I flew after him.

-Meliodas' POV-

Why am I like this? Why is she making me feel like this?

My heart is basically trying to break out of my chest with how hard it beats when I am with her. I never felt this way before... but it feels amazing to be with her.

She's like... like a drug to me...

"Meriodasu!" I stopped to look behind me, Elizabeth being far away.

"You're flying too fast!" She yelled at me, quickly catching up to me. I smiled, saying "Fly faster then."

"You're so mean sometimes!" She giggled, flying in front of me. I flew after her, catching up in no time and we just continued flying in a comfortable silence.

. . . . .

I groaned as I landed on the ground "I'm so tired now. I will be heading to bed."

"Wait-" Elizabeth said, running up to me and kissing my cheek, "Good night Meriodasu..."

Putting on a small smile that only showed a fraction of my happiness, I said "Good night Elizabeth." and walked away to my dorm.

Why does she make me so happy? Why am I like this?

I walked into my dorm, going to lay in bed. Back to this horrible realm... but it isn't that bad, not when I have Elizabeth...

I'm supposed to get up early tomorrow, I should probably sleep...

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